How to change the underlying table in a dataset?
I am using this code to change the table associated with a dataset. The table is getting changed as I verified from the dataset settings, but I am getting this error 'Column name not matching between query and schema'. But when I click on Test Table in connection settings, the dataset is getting updated. I am using this…
Can't create a code env from a newer Python version (local DSS installation)
Hi, I installed the local free version of Dataiku on macOS 15.0.1. The Dataiku DSS version is 13.2.1. By default, I can only create Python code env for Python 3.7. The rest of the Python versions are marked as "Not available" in the code env creation form. I need a higher version than Python 3.7 to create a code env for…
How to manage dss nodes through python API when using fleetmanager
hello I want to manage fleetmanager's resources using API. After searching, I found out that only pythonapi was available, and a problem occurred during testing. I received the following error message: import dataikuapi key_id = "?" key_secret = "?" # <Cloud vendor> is either AWS, Azure or GCP client =…
switch function not working with 'dayOfWeek'?
Hi all, I tried to apply a condition to find the latest previous weekday date, so for example, if today is Sunday or Monday, then it will Friday, for other days it will just be yesterday. I tried using switch function like this: switch( datePart(now(), 'dayofweek'), 7, trunc(inc(asDate(now(), 'yyyy-MM-dd'), -2,…
Error when using Embed recipe
Hi Team, When I am trying to embed a dataset in Dataiku with textual data, I encounter this error: Error in Python process: <class 'Exception'>: At least one embedding request failed: HTTP code: 429, response: { "statusCode": 429, "message": "Token limit is exceeded. Try again in 48 seconds." } Could you guys please help…
Not sure what this error is:"invalid resource name projects/${Dataiku-BQDefaultProject};"
Hi I am new to dataiku, I am getting this error, not sure what this is: Oops: an unexpected error occurred Invalid resource name projects/${Dataiku-BQDefaultProject}; Project id: ${Dataiku-BQDefaultProject} HTTP code: 500, type: com.dataiku.dip.sql.bigquery.BigQueryException Operating system used: Windows
How to do auto update of the "Variable display" tile in the Application designer
I am using the project variables to be displayed in the "Variable display" tile, Even after updating the project variables, "variable display" tile is not displaying the updated values of those project variables. I need to explicitly refresh the browser to see the "Variable display" tile to display the latest values. How…
Correcting Typos - Text Preparation Plugin?
Hi everyone, Context: I have data from a survey. One question in the survey is multiple choice and answers predefined, but there is no data validation built into the survey. As a result, I have typos in the data. For example, a column "Genre" can include "Rcok, Clasisc, Jaz". Question: Is there are smart/quick way to…
Bundle secret credentials to automation node
Hi, I've not done a release to the automation node before. My model uses APIs to connect to external data which rely on passing credentials. These credentials I have stored under my account within dataiku and using python I pass the secrets through securely. What I am not sure on is when I bundle this model, how will the…
Snowpark UDF issue
Below is a code for calling a snowpark UDF in python recipe. The environment is connected to snowflake. def ABC(session, df): def BCD_UDF(X,Y,Z): pandas series processing return pd.DataFrame(…) # Register the function as a UDF BCD = session.udf.register( func = BCD_UDF, return_type=StructType([ StructField("MN",…