API Python endpoint : can we call another endpoint part of another API service ?
My question is related to the use of the API python endpoint in the API Designer. Scenario : we have one API service 'service_A' in a DSS Project A and one API service 'service_B' in a DSS project B. service_A includes a python endpoint 'endpoint_A'. service_B includes a python endpoint 'endpoint_B'. Please, could you…
Separation of Roles: Developers and Deployers
Hi all, A question in regards to groups and access control in Dataiku DSS. So we are on Version 10 and I am looking to incorporate a layer of Governance as a short term solution that will allow me to allow Developers (Data Team) to develop bundles and publish them to the Deployer Node and another (Approver) which is…
No column selected in dataset
Hi, I'm using sql join recipe on 3 datasets: m , produit_ & produit_c and having this issue :"No column selected in Dataset" . No column from produit_ is selected. Below the screenshot Any ideas on how to solve this ? thanks Operating system used: win 10
Where Clause SQL - DSS condition is a column
I have this query set up: SELECT * FROM "dbo"."Table" where "COLUMN = "Value" I get this Validation failed: Query failed: Invalid column name 'Value'. Why does the DSS think I am saying where column = column
SQL Query with Date in where clause from global variable
I am have a SQL query in dataiku set up like so: SELECT * FROM "dbo"."Table" where "Date" BETWEEN CAST(${prior_val_date} as date) AND CAST(${val_date} as date) I am getting this error message: Validation failed: Query failed: Explicit conversion from data type int to date is not allowed. my variables are defined like so: {…
Read the contents of a json file into a json object from a managed folder in dataiku
I need to read contents of a jsonfile stored in a dataiku managed folder. Need the code for doing the same with dataikuapi package. TypeError: the JSON object must be str, bytes or bytearray, not 'HTTPResponse' import dataikuapiclient = dataikuapi.DSSClient(host, apiKey)client._session.verify = Falseproject =…
Association rules with R recipe
i have a dataset with product_id objectproduct_name objectcategory objectdiscounted_price float64actual_price float64discount_percentage float64rating float64rating_count float64about_product objectuser_id objectuser_name objectreview_id objectreview_title objectreview_content objectimg_link objectproduct_link object i…
How to suppress debug.dku.ml.preprocessing in jupyter notebook?
Hi all, How can I suppress/ignore this warning message in jupyter notebook? Operating system used: Windows
Coalesce function doesn't work properly in prepare recipe
Hi everyone! I have a question regarding the coalesce recipe in dataiku. I wanted to use the coalesce funtion in dataiku Formula and the preview that I have in the prepare recipe shows that the function works and it shows the value that I want. But after executing the recipe, the resulting column shows a different output…
Using Script Scenario
The Webhook URL of a MS Teams channel can be used in the 'Reporter' to send scenario related messages to that Teams channel. However, I would like to know whether or not it possible to send messages to the same MS Teams channel programmatically using Dataiku Scenario API. I simply want to use two separate channels (mail…