custom python function
Hi, In my input dataset, I have a string column named vars like this [" 20547","21513 "], with an array meaning. I woulf like to check if each element of this array is in an other array defined in global variables {"varGamme": ["21513","20547"]} I'm trying with a custom python function import pandas as pddef process(rows):…
Managed Folder with Container Execution
I am trying to run a python recipe and have a model saved in a managed folder. I understand that I have to use get_download_stream() to read the data, but the python module that I need to use (FAISS) does not support reading the saved model as bytes. Is there a way that I can download the file and obtain a path, so that I…
Exception: Unable to fetch schema for PROJECT.dataset: b'Ticket not given or unrecognized
Hi there, I encounter the sudden issue of not being able to load datasets into a Jupyter Notebook. Changing environment/Kernel doesn't help. System reboot doesn't help. Force reloading doesn't help neither. Nothing was changed in the code. Flow still runs, so it runs as a receipt but not when trying to work in the…
Jupyter Notebook error in Dataiku
Hi, while working on a Jupyter notebook to build a dataset, getting the attached error. Have tried reloading the notebook as well. Can it be due to Dataiku configuration. Kindly suggest. Thanks, Parul.
Using two different datasets to train a model in lab using API
Hi, I'm trying to train a model in lab using the API from a notebook. I'm using the below code to setup the ML task.I'm currently using the "MasterData" as my data. I want to use a different dataset "UpcomingData" as my test data and "MasterData" as train data ((Explicit extract from two dataset policy in design tab of…
Training Fails When Time Ordering Enabled
I am trying to train models with "Time ordering" enabled on the attached dataset I get the error message below, but training sails successfully when "Time ordering" is not enabled. The file is a merger of the "train", "store" and "features" files from…
Update Dataset SQL server
Hi, I want to update a sql server table (dataset) . I understand that there are scenarios option that triggers update sql querry . As this feature is not included in my licence, what are the other options I may use? Thanks Operating system used: win
Loop in Custom Scenario
Hello community I was working on a repetitive rework task and it occurred to me that I could automate it with a new scenario custom python script First I wanted to confirm that it works and then start making the loop and modify the variable every time it loops. First step does not build the dataset Script: from…
Processing only new files in the flow
Hi all! I have fairly straightforward problem (or at least I think that it is like that :) ). I have files arriving into a Azure Blob Storage container. I created a flow to process them without a problem, but now I want to automate the flow so it will run on a schedule (like once an hour etc), so it will process ONLY the…
お世話になっております。 charts機能を使い、IPポイントから世界地図の描画し、ダッシュボードにパブリッシュしているのですが、作成後マウスのホイールを回してしまうと勝手に地図が拡大・縮小してしまうのですが、こちら固定する方法はありますでしょうか。 作成時の設定を確認・試行錯誤したのですが、見つからなかったです。 ご教授いただけますと幸いです。