Schema changes from double to integer all the time.
I have a column with round floats (e.g. only 1.0, 100.0, etc.) and manually defined it as type "double" in a visual recipe. However, once the dataset is loaded into another visual recipe, the visual recipe automatically changes all the column types back to "integer" causing a failure everytime there appear a non-round…
App Files in Shiny Web App
Hello team, I am creating a shiny web app in Dataiku. The application I am trying to create is a modular application which includes several files and folders in the web app. The structure of my app would like like as follows: ui.R server.R global.R modules/ module1.R module2.R www/ logo.png styles.css myproject.js…
Applications as recipes and logging
Hello, When I run a recipe from an application, I am seeing a lot less logging information for the job. Where would I be able to see the detailed logging that is available in the source project before it was converted to an application?
Custom Python Script
Hi All Trying to achieve a custom python script based on below scenario. My dataset contains a column WeekEnd and values as Dates (Some dates fall on Weekdays and some on Saturday and Sunday). The check I'm trying to achieve here is check if column WeekEnd falls on Saturday then OK, else ERROR ONLY able to write below.…
Programmatically RAG: Running an enriched LLM query using augmented LLM
I have an issue with applying an augmented LLM after following this tutorial: https://developer.dataiku.com/latest/tutorials/machine-learning/genai/nlp/llm-mesh-rag/index.html I am using Dataiku 12.6. I have a knowledge bank and augmented LLM that I would like to use to utilize in a webapp, however I keep getting the…
What account/user does SharePoint use to connect
Hello, I am trying to set up a connection between Dataiku and SharePoint using the SharePoint plugin. I'm running into a (seemingly authorisation-related) issue where the configuration of the connection within Dataiku is set up correctly but the connection itself refused: Error while connecting to dataset…
dataikuapi.utils.DataikuException: com.dataiku.dip.exceptions.UnauthorizedException: Failed to read
from dataikuapi import DSSClient import pandas as pd client = DSSClient(host, apiKey) client._session.verify = False instance = client.get_app("<< Application Name >>").create_temporary_instance() project = instance.get_as_project() project.get_scenario("<< Scenario Name >>").run_and_wait() Giving error while using scenerio
Manually Adding Dataset for New Month but Confirming Dashboards for Previous Month Will Not Change
Hi everyone, The title basically states what I am confirming. I have a framework of recipes set up for the month of February and Dashboards made based off the datasets pulled for that month. I now want to add the datasets for the month of March now that the design of my framework is completed. However, I have a dashboard…
How to prune the decision tree using dataiku
How do I prune a decision tree in Dataiku?
DKU Currency Conversion Rates - Daily Update Scenario
Hello, I would like to understand if it is possible to schedule the execution of the currency conversion rate update command from within DSS itself. Shell Command: ./bin/dku update-currency-rates Ideally, I would like to trigger this process using a Shell recipe and store the output to a simple log file for the purpose of…