Using Dataiku

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371 - 380 of 5.2k
  • Bonjour, ne trouvant pas une solution. Je m'en remet à vous. J'ai deux scénarios : le premier est un scénario construisant un flow. (aucun soucis ici) le deuxième est constitué de deux steps. Le premi…
    Started by Rony William
    Most recent by Grixis
    Last answer by Grixis


    Définir au niveau de ton trigger le timer de check à 60 secondes n'implique pas un build systématique du scénario. Eventuellement dans ton cas d'usage, préciser dans les params du trigger que le scenario doit être 'runs succesfuly' au lieu de 'finishes' peut changer quelque chose.

    Au passage, pourquoi tu définis un auto-trigger sur ton scénario 2 dépendant du build du scenario 1 sachant que celui-ci, contient une step de build du scenario 2 ?

    Sinon voici une solution à ton problème, tu ajoutes une étape de code python custom pour disable le trigger de ton scenario_id qui s'execute uniquement quand ta condition est juste. Je t'invite à regarder la documentation sur l'api python à ce sujet :

    Last answer by Grixis


    Définir au niveau de ton trigger le timer de check à 60 secondes n'implique pas un build systématique du scénario. Eventuellement dans ton cas d'usage, préciser dans les params du trigger que le scenario doit être 'runs succesfuly' au lieu de 'finishes' peut changer quelque chose.

    Au passage, pourquoi tu définis un auto-trigger sur ton scénario 2 dépendant du build du scenario 1 sachant que celui-ci, contient une step de build du scenario 2 ?

    Sinon voici une solution à ton problème, tu ajoutes une étape de code python custom pour disable le trigger de ton scenario_id qui s'execute uniquement quand ta condition est juste. Je t'invite à regarder la documentation sur l'api python à ce sujet :

  • Hello, How do we define the inclusion rules of files with the option 'Glob' and 'Path in dataset' ? For example, I want all the paths including the string 'ODNA'. Thanks
    Started by rona
    Most recent by rona
    Last answer by rona

    I managed to implement this filter as followed :

    Last answer by rona

    I managed to implement this filter as followed :

  • I do see "visibilityCondition" to show/hide a parameter depending on a condition, but is there option to enable or disable input fields or buttons based on user interactions without using custom UI?
    Started by Sangavi_M
  • Hello, this is not a huge problem but I'm sure there is a way to do this properly. I'm syncing rows that I append to an SQL table. The "id" column of this table is auto incremented, and thus before sy…
    Answered ✓
    Started by raphaffou
    Most recent by raphaffou
    Solution by
    Solution by raphaffou

    For anyone reading this and having a similar problem, I just made a python recipe as suggested by this comment. It counts the rows before syncing and outputs the last n rows of the SQL table sorted on id. Pretty inefficient I think but it works.

    However, you still lose some information, for example for two rows like :

    id | date | description (table being talked about here)

    101 | 11/02/24 | empty

    102 | 11/02/24 | empty

    id | name (this one is only here to give some context)

    101 | a

    102 | b

    It becomes clear that these two ids are interchangeable in the upper table as long as you're coherent.

    Thank you all for your answers

  • I'm using dataiku application. I want to know if there is a way to set code environment for python helper code, I'm trying to import a library for a functionality in the app but it gives "ModuleNotFou…
    Started by Sangavi_M
    Most recent by Sangavi_M
    Last answer by
    Last answer by Sangavi_M

    when i click button that executes the python helper function, it appears at the top of the custom ui tile for edit project variables

  • I am summarizing the results of testing for a disease. I would like to show the positivity rate by year. In order to display positivity rate as a percentage, I need to define it as text and format it …
    Answered ✓
    Started by Doga
    Most recent by Turribeach
    Solution by
    Solution by Turribeach

    Simple solution. Use one field for display purposes and one field for plotting purposes.

  • I am currently building a web app that is using Dash to allow users to input data and store into tables. The app works but when I add in a call back for a specific use case the web app just shows a bl…
    Started by Jake_Hooley123
    Most recent by Grixis
    Last answer by
    Last answer by Grixis


    Could you confirm that when you go through the ‘logs’ section (header top left) you also only get a blank page?

  • Team, Can someone please provide the block diagram for dataiku architecture ? thanks, Bhushan
    Started by Bhushan
    Most recent by Tejash
    Last answer by
    Last answer by Tejash


    Does anyone have the architecture details that Shyam Kumar shared? If so, please share them. It would definitely help me clarify the concepts.


  • Hi Community , Does anyone know if it is possible or even recommended to use React for the frontend of a web app in DSS? If so, can you please share how you accomplished setting this up with the Flask…
    Answered ✓
    Started by adamnieto
    Most recent by villander
    Solution by
    Solution by Andrey

    Here's the plugin code I was using:

    To answer your questions:

    1) You can use JSX to develop your app, however, you'd need to build it first so that the build directory contains js files.

    Also note that you won't be able to leverage Webpack dev server, but to recompile the webapp after changes.

    The build should be run manually from the $DATADIR/plugins/dev/YOUR_PLUGIN_NAME/resource/YOUR_WEBAPP_NAME

    2) python-lib is a directory that may contain python code that is shared between different webapps backends. In my case it's empty so you can ignore it to reduce confusion.

    In general if you need a python backend for your webapp you need to create a file defining the endpoints. Here's an example how it can be done

    3) Not necessarily, you can have multiple webapps in one plugin. Just create another directory next to webapps/react with a similar structure. (Make sure you don't forget to add a webapp.json and at least modify meta property in it)

    For the development process I'd recommend creating a plugin first and adding a simple react webapp into it. Then you're not limited to only coding inside DSS, you can either

    - open $DATADIR/plugins/dev/YOUR_PLUGIN_NAME/resource/YOUR_WEBAPP_NAME with your favourite IDE and continue developing the app from it

    - or use our VSCode integration to edit your plugin code

    In both cases you are free to develop the webapp completely outside of DSS (just by starting the devserver manually from the webapp dir). But to test the API requests served by the python backend you'd need to compile the app and open it from DSS.



  • I have data for Oct, Nov and Dec. I have to look back at the prior month to get the beginning of period values. I have the scenario set up so that it builds the inputs for the current and prior months…
    Started by Noah
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