How can I check a user's login status?
Hello, I am looking for a way to check the information of users who are currently logged in to get a list of users who are currently working in DSS. If I am an administrator, you can go to Administration > Security to see when some user last login, but it does not check if that user are still login. Or by analyzing the…
Can we use streaming data into online feature store and offline feature store at the same time?
How to get distributed training working for large dataset (> 100MM rows, ~1000 features per row)?
Step based execution control - two conditions
How do I set up two conditions? I tried this: Product == 'EB' and parseJson(stepOutcome_DroppedPols_EB) == 'SUCCESS' and this: and(Product == 'EB', parseJson(stepOutcome_DroppedPols_EB) == 'SUCCESS') to no avail Thanks!
Exception: Unable to instanciate a new dataset writer. There is already another active writer for th
Exception: Unable to instanciate a new dataset writer. There is already another active writer for this dataset Is there a way to allow many active writers to a data set? I have python call backs that can be called after each call from data source. When we parallelize the call to data source and write result to dataset as…
dataiku global project variable update is not taken into account in python continuous recipe
Hi, I am trying to control a python continuous recipe with the test of a global project variable. I have tried this: … response = requests.get(url, headers=headers, stream=True) if response.status_code == 200: for line in response.iter_lines(): # create a project handle project = dataiku.Project() variables =…
How can I SUMIF one column into another column?
I have 2 datasets, in one I have one column with duplicate IDs and in the other one i have the ID without duplicates, but i want to sum all the candies into the dataset where i don't have any duplicate, how can I do that?
Alert/Notification to check max timestamp on a dataset
Hi, I want to send an Alert/Notification to check max timestamp value on a dataset and and send an alert message if the date has not been updated for last 10 days. Thanks for help! Operating system used: windows
How to import MLFlow model from a managed folder on Dataiku DSS?
Hi! I encounter a problem when importing an MLFlow model saved in a managed folder on Dataiku DSS. I use the following code: import dataiku client = dataiku.api_client() project = client.get_project("PROJECT_ID") # 1. Create DSS Saved Model saved_model = project.create_mlflow_pyfunc_model(name, prediction_type) # 2. Load…
When writing to a dataframe to a dataset with Python recipes, the row counts do not match
Hello, when I am printing a dataframe before I save the output with write_dataframe() or write_schema_from_dataframe() and check the counts on the dataset object, it does not match. Why does it not match? If I run the code in the python recipe notebook, it prints out it wrote the correct amount of rows, but when I check on…