deployer configuration
How to configure deployer node
Viewing the column name of the snowflake table
When creating a dataset with a Snowflake table in Dataiku, is it possible to view the column names (COMMENT) of the Snowflake table in Dataiku? We need to see the column names (COMMENT) of the Snowflake table in the Dataiku dataset due to standardization requirements, but they are not visible. We are inquiring about this…
DataIKU Deployment and Installation in Azure Kubernetes
Hello, I'm looking for some information, reference architecture to deploy dataiku on Azure Kubernetes. We would like to set up a dev environment for testing the app. also, any guidance , pros cons etc would be appreciated . Also looking for documentation and steps on how to deploy the app on Azure K8's. Operating system…
DataIKU Setup
Hello All, We are planning to deploy the application on Azure VM's. We will have 2 regions i.e EMEA and NA. What would be the best recommendation for hardware specifications in these regions? We are completely new to DataIKU. What nodes can be deployed for DEV(like Design for DEV) and Prod(API and Automation Node)?…
Permission error when listing dataset partitions
I am encountering an issue when trying to start a dashboard. I need to list partitions from certain datasets but am receiving an error regarding permission: DataikuException: com.dataiku.dip.exceptions.UnauthorizedException: Failed to read project permissions I am using the code below to connect to my project and call the…
Connecting to snowflake
Hi I'm trying to connect my dataiku instance to a snowflake instance. I have admin rights in dataiku, but I don't understand JDBC connection URL v oauth connections. I can get it to connect using my snowflake username and password, but there is one other user who needs to connect to snowflake and he can't use the same user…
Hubspot API keys
Hi, I'm trying to connect my hubspot to dataiku. I followed the steps of creating a dataiku account, adding the hubspot plugin, adding dataiku with all reading writes in hubspot, created an output data set on S3 on dataiku, copy pasted the api key in the recipe creation. Everytime i have the same error : Oops: an…
Opensearch: connection error 401
Hi all, We have Opensearch setup in a cluster and when I try to setup a connection to it from Dataiku, I get the error Connection Error: Server didn't answer 200 but 401: Unauthorized I have tried all the possible dialects but I still get the same error. Is it not possible to use the Dataiku Elastic search driver to…
Automate Cgroup Limits - Resource Control
Hi Team, I have setup cgroup limits (Path Template and limits ) in resource control on one of our instance and I want to replicate this to all our existing instance and the new installations. Is there a way to automate this ? Thanks in advance!! Operating system used: Centos 7.9, RHEL 8, ROcky Linux 8.8
Upgrad kernel R version in Dataiku 10
Hello, In my dataiku 10.0.2, i have installed kernel R in version 3.6 (default). I want to know if it's possible to upgrading the kernel R in version 4. Maybe it's the version max for dataiku 10.0.2 and i must go to upgrade to dataiku 11 for example. I don't find a command or option for "R-integration" to upgrade the…