Labeling > Annotate > Option to Zoom In/Out
The new labeling and annotate image feature works great for normal sized images. But for big images where you need to label smaller sections, a zoom-in function could make the labeling process easier and faster.
Bulk type change from prepare recipe
Currently, it's possible to bulk change the meaning of many columns using the prepare recipe's column view. However, it's not possible to change the types the same way from this interface. While the schema can be changed from the downstream dataset, there's no way to change the target schema of the recipe without manually…
partition dependency function - allow custom testing
When establishing a dependency function, the predefined test offered by Dataiku is not always relevant. This is especially true when working with time-based partitions, as the default test may extend back as far as 2013 . It would be highly beneficial to empower users to customize or override Dataiku's default test.…
partition custom dependency function - make the dataiku library available
When creating a custom dependency function, having access to Dataiku's API can be highly beneficial. In my experience, there was a frequent requirement to parse input partitions. Unfortunately, this was not possible because the Dataiku library was not accessible in the current namespace. Attempting to import the Dataiku…
Control over scenario catch-up fuctionality
Turns our there is a "hidden" and undocumented scenario catch-up fuctionality built-in into Dataiku. You can read about it here. This Idea is to be able to have control over this hidden scenario catch-up fuctionality. In particular we would like to Disable the scenario catch-up fuctionality so that Dataiku Scenarios do not…
Instance wide Senario On/Off Swtich
User Story: As a Dataiku DSS instance Administrator that occasionally has to "turn off" Triggered Scenarios while working on a Dataiku DSS Instance. I would like a Master Triggered Scenario "Off switch". This would inactivate triggered Scenarios across all projects within a Single DSS Instance. This would mean that I can…
Document undocumented scenario catch-up fuctionality
I have always assumed Dataiku will not run any missed scenarios when DSS is shutdown. Turns out I was wrong, Dataiku has a built-in scenario catch-up capability. This idea is to document the scenario catch-up fuctionality as it is critical feature that Dataiku Administrators and users should know and Support have confirmed…
Display User ID in Last Author of Scenario
A lot of our scenarios are executed with the Run As = "Last Author of Scenario". However it is not easy to see what the actual "Last Author of Scenario" is without having to go to the history tab and checking who last made changes to the scenario. This idea is to display the user ID in the Run As drop down select like this…
Automatic update code env with known vulnerabilities
To stay secure I would like code env to be scanned periodically for modules and libraries with known vulnerabilities. If a vulnerability is detected the environment is resolved with patched modules/libraries. For projects running on automation a vulnerable environment is flagged and a bundle with updated env is created and…
Native support for Markov models
(VisualML) support for building different types of Markov chain models. Very relevant models in marketing attribution, process analysis and customer journey analysis.