Schema for ML prediction analysis for Recommendation system
Hello, I am new to ML and I'm trying to create a very basic recommendation system for a very simple dataset I have. My dataset only contains productID and customerID and I have performed auto collaborative filtering (using the recommendation system plugin) on this dataset to generate a score. I want an item based…
Suggestion of the handling of Support Cases
I notice that the support ticket are only visible to the reporter. In my case, we are two administrators and it would be nice that tickets are shared. I know that I can "Add people to the conversation" so that they get emails with the updates. I would like really to be about to open the…
What formula is used for the fuzzy values clustering in the prepare recipe on DSS?
According to: https://knowledge.dataiku.com/latest/kb/data-prep/prepare-recipe/How-to-standardize-text-fields-using-fuzzy-values-clustering.html You can choose a clustering strategy of “Fuzzy” or “Highly fuzzy” to cluster and merge similar text in the dataset. What is this fuzzy matching based on? Damerau–Levenshtein? If…
Regular Expression Replace double spaces in a string with one space.
Hi, I have a string 'Ranjith Jose' in column 'Name', which has double space between first and last name. I have used Replace prepare recipe. Matching Mode: Regular Expression Normalization Mode: Exact Replacements \s+ --> No Value (I need to keep one space instead of 'No Value'.) Please assist. Thanks, Ranjith Jose.
Unable to create a new project. Loading takes forever
I just started with Dataiku and i am unable to create a new project. I tried + New Project - DSS tutorials - Basics 101 and the page keeps loading after that forever. I am using the latest version of Dataiku. I just installed it yesterday. I have downloaded a free version on Windows. Tried multiple browsers, but the issue…
Do not update or write intermediate dataset
Hi, I have flow where I do not update/write intermediate dataset. Could you please help, how can I achieve this.
Do not update or write intermediate dataset
Hi, I have flow where I do not update/write intermediate dataset. Could you please help, how can I achieve this. Thanks Dheerendra
About Shapley calculations
Hi, we're facing big problems with Shapley calculation with a customer. I've found some useful documentation at https://doc.dataiku.com/dss/latest/machine-learning/supervised/explanations.html and a few messages in the community (https://community.dataiku.com/t5/Using-Dataiku/SHAP-Shapley-values-in-Dataiku/m-p/22241,…
Dataiku Recipe that can copy specific columns from dataset
Hi Dataiku Community! I am a new user and would like to seek your help if there is a specific recipe I can use to copy specific columns from a dataset? The table I am currently working on consists of 200++ fields, an I do not need them all to proceed with the project. This is also causing slowneed when I perform sync and…
Dataiku (Snowflake) to SQL Server Table
We processed data in a SQL Server Table in Dataiku (which uses Snowflake as the backend) and when I go to send it back to SQL Server it insists on dropping the table (bad) and recreating it. So I wrote SQL to truncate the table and reload it from the modified data in the Snowflake Dataiku table, but it keeps failing…