Conditional start
Split Recipe
Hi all, How can I edit the Split recipe so I can add the validation set to be splitted, I couldn't find a third condition that can take random percentage after filtering test and train datasets. and if this can be done using DSS formulas, what is the syntax of the formula to split data for validation? My test set and train…
Backset and forcast is one month ahead - Time series forecasting
I have a problem with the time series forecasting, the backset is one month ahead and also the forecast. Other problem is that I have a 36 month dataset and the forecast output that dataiku is giving me is in month 36, so actually the time series is not giving me month 37 I am uploading a picture of the problem. Anyone…
How to remove a certain string form string text data?
Hello experts, Please help me following question. I have a string column like: ABCDC01 ABCD02 ABCD03 AAAA ABCD04 BBB Now, I would like prepare to create a column copying above string, but I want to remove specific string "ABCD" thus expected data should be: 01 02 03 AAAA 04 BBB How can I do this? Thanks in advance.
Best approach to appending daily data from files?
Hi everyone! I want to see your input on the best approach to do the following: I have daily CSV files that contain no date column, but values change on a daily basis. I want to create a dataset based on these files. I will be added files every day. I need to add a date column to the file of the date it was added. I…
Call external API based on dataset row
Hello, We have a scenario where we want to use the rows in a Dataiku dataset as input to an external API call and then have the results of that external API call either added to the existing dataset or create a new dataset that includes the data used in the request and the response. Can you provide guidance on how this…
Trend my data
Dear community, I have a chart with date values on the X axis and number of events on the Y axis. I would like DataIku to superpose a linear trend line, what in Excel would be done through the TREND function. ¨The Excel TREND function is used to calculate a linear trend line through a given set of dependent y-values and,…
Bug report: Group By
Hi all, Not sure the best place to make a bug report, so I'm posting it below: When using the group by visual recipe, in the event that you change the case of the key that the recipe is grouping over, the underlying SQL query does not update properly. In my case this is Date_UTC -> date_UTC. It only happens when an…
Pyspark python issue:Py4JJavaError: An error occurred while calling o59.classForName.
Hello everyone, I am working on PySpark and I have mentioned the code and getting some issue, I am wondering if someone knows about the following issue? I get the error in the last line of code. mydataset = dataiku.Dataset(dataset name) df = dkuspark.get_dataframe(sqlContext, mydataset) Py4JJavaError: An error occurred…
Show Bar Chart Values when mouse is not hovering
Dear community, I'd like my charts created in Dataiku to show the dimensions, not only when mouse hovering. Is that possible? Please find attached a chart example, where I've written by hand in red the underlying dimensions I would like the chart to include. Thank you. Operating system used: Microsoft Windows