Combining Training and Unlabelled Data Using Stack Recipe Cause Data Leakage
Hi, I am following Academy Learning Path. Those content is great. But Under ML Practitioner> Scoring Basics. > Concept Scoring Data It was shown that Unlabelled data that we use for scoring using the model will be combined with training data using stack recipe and gone through all pre processing steps so that it is…
Advanced Designer Visual Recipies
I want to uploade the provided ZIP file for the Visual Recipie Tutorial, however, I cannot extract the csv files. I only get the JSON-files. Does someone know how to handle this issue?
Tutorial error for Visual Recipes
Hi everyone, I try to do the tutorial for Visual Recipes (cards, tx, merchants). Unfortunately, there are no datas in the merchants' folder. When I try to "run" , it comes to error messages. I can't work on exercices. Have you got a solution to help me please ? Thanks Lily
core designer certification
Hello every one, I am passing the core designer certification, and i have a problem with the step 3 : Merge the information from the three datasets into a single dataset. We recommend using the CO2_and Oil.csv dataset as the base (left dataset) for merging other datasets. In fact, when I left join I don't have all the data…
advanced designer
Hello, I had the core desiger certificate with an email adress i don't have today (but i have the number of the certificate). I'd like to do the advanced designer certificate. Is it possible to not redo the core designer ? Thank you
Finding the Home Page to add a Project
Starting a free trial only takes me to the "launch pad" but I am being asked in the tutorial to go to the home page and add a project. I have no idea how to get to the home page.
Core designer project is so confusing
" In the aggregated dataset, create a statistics worksheet containing a card that displays the Spearman correlation matrix of the seven descriptive columns. " Can anyone tell me what is the Spearman correlation matrix ?
Dataiku Academy FAQ
If you can't find answers to your questions here, please open a topic in the Academy Discussions and ask. PLATFORM Q : Do the courses and certificate programs on Dataiku Academy require a user to register an account? A : You do need to register a free account and be logged in so you track your progress and earn…
L1 and L2 certifications
Hi there, Could you please help me to understand the different certifications in Dataiku and share the details on L1, L2 certifications. I have completed Core designer certification. Now, i have interested to complete Administrator Course. Could you please give more info on certifications and Dataiku learnings. Thanks...
Where is the make_frames module?
2024/04/04 18:43 Solved, I imported some modules before run build all. I'm now building Instructions of developer certificate. First, I imported Developer Assessment project and try to build all But It failed by following error. and its not expected here Error in Python process: At line 4: <class 'ModuleNotFoundError'>: No…