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Week number from day number

Level 2
Week number from day number

We consider that we have a table that contains a column "Day".

In this table we have values like "21", "10", "16", .... anyvalue that could correspond to a regular day number from a date.

Starting from this, is there ay formula that could return me the week number of the year corresponding to this day number (for this actual month) ?

Thank you for your time,

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3 Replies


I think I understand what you are getting at.

In a visual recipe in a couple of steps, you could change the numbers into a parsed date.  With the Parsed Date Step type.  Then from the parsed date, there is a step that will provide date parts.  

If this is not to your point, please share a bit more detail.  It is often to share a few example record and the output you expect to get.

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Level 1

How do I get the week number out of the date, as in the 1st week of January of any year should be "1", the second week "2" and so on till 52 weeks

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