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Confluence wiki plugin: API token

Level 1
Confluence wiki plugin: API token


In order to automatically push the wiki of a project to a confluence page, I installed the Confluence Exporter plugin (

When configuring it, I dont know how to fill the API token.

Capture d'écran 2024-05-22 114253.png

Does anyone have experience with the configuration of this plugin ?


Many thanks in advance


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4 Replies

The plugin documentation states:

"For online Confluence instances, you will need to first create an API token. To do so, go to your Profile > Manage your account > Security > Create and manage API tokens > Create API token. Copy the created token and paste it into the API token box of your DSS preset."

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Hi ! To connect your DSS instance to Confluence, you need to create a preset on your plugin settings (it looks like you were doing this according to your screenshot): `Plugins` > `Confluence wiki` > `Settings` > `Confluence login` > `+ ADD PRESET`

Then they are 2 different cases for connecting your DSS instance to Confluence:
-  either your Confluence is on your own server: so for `Type of Confluence server` you can select `On premises Confluence Server`  and you have to fill directly a `username` and `password` (so no API key)
- either your are using Confluence as a cloud service: so for `Type of Confluence server` you can select `Confluence Cloud` and in `Username` you can fill your email address and in `API token` you can fill the API key that you generated from Confluence

And don't forget to `SAVE`

Let me know if you succeeded or need any help 🙂

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Level 1

Thanks. The error related to the API disapears by applying your solution.

However, I got a new error related to the space key: 

"The Confluence space key XXXX overlaps with an existing one. Please check its casing."

I dont know why. The confluence page should be existed, no ?

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The issue could actually be related to the connection between Confluence and DSS (and not related to the space key). Please verify that you are using the correct email address that was used when creating the API key.

If the connection issue still persists, please contact our support and they will ask for your DSS instance logs (it will be easier for us to understand your issue with the logs, and not reveal any information/secret in this forum)

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