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How to set the connecion of Bigquery right?

Level 1
How to set the connecion of Bigquery right?

Hi there,

I am attempting to create a connection of Bigquery and Dataiku, so that my dataset used in flow can refresh itself schedueled automatically. While I need to download and upload the bigquery table by myself everytime now, which is quite unconvenient.

Should I do some setting in GCP Bigquery either before I configure the connections in Dataiku?And I'm confused with what should I entry to the blank.I entried information following but it turns out error when I click "test" button. 

dataiku connection.png







Project ID : I entry the project ID of the project which I attempt to connect in bigquery

Client ID: My GCP account

Client secret: My GCP account's password

Scope: the default scope



Error messege:User 'xxxxxxxxxxxx' does not have credentials for connection 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxx'.


I guess that I should obtain OAuth 2.0 credentials from the Google API Console firstly, am I right?

And any other settings should I configure out ?


Thanks a lot,


Operating system used: Dataiku Cloud

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2 Replies

The easiest way to setup a connection for BigQuery is to setup a service account in GCP and then create a service account key for the account. Finally copy the service account key to your DSS server to any location you want (which should be readable to the user used to run the DSS services) and setup the connection in Dataiku.

Screenshot 2024-05-24 at 09.52.56.png

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Level 1

Hi Turribeach,

Thanks for your reply.I will try it.

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