Re: Export Porject from dss when having shared datasets
Hi no, the datasets are exposed from their source project, so if you export a project, you need to also export the projects from which the exposed datasets come1 · -
Re: Dataiku Webapp using Datasets not getting Refreshed
The behaviour you describe indicates that the webapp's python backend loads the dataset upon starting and then serves this data. So unless you stop and restart the webapp backend, the data served rem…1 · -
Re: Trigger Scenarios from Marker file
for a folder backed by S3 files, you don't need a marker file. Simply add that folder in the "trigger on dataset change". DSS will react if the contents of the folder change, where change i…1 · -
Re: Issue with regex + arrayLen + match (min. 6 digits in string)
Hi, the the backslash of the `\d` character class must be escaped. So you need ".*\\d{6}([\\?#].*)?$"1 · -
Re: Dash Webapp 404 Not Found Error
Hi, the settings for the default container config on the instance (or the project) may have been altered, or the default exposition setup for webapps on the instance. You should open a ticket on supp…1 ·