Re: Self-abort scenario
the main cause of corruption are DSS crashes while operations are underway on the internal DBs. Killing a scenario is one of many such operations, so unless you use it very intensively the odds of ca…1 · -
Re: Error using pyspark .rdd.map (different Python version)
Hi, Spark is complaining that the cluster nodes are using python2.7 while your DSS node is using python3.6. You need to create a code env that uses python2.7 and run your notebook on it.1 · -
Re: Pyspark and python error
Hi it looks like Spark integration is not done, or not done properly. Either you're using a spark in version >3.1.2, or you haven't run the "<datadir>/bin/dssadmin install-spark-integra…1 · -
Re: Table overwritten instead of append due to schema inconsistency
Hi, DSS has no mapping for the DECIMAL type, so at the moment it will always consider the table schema as incompatible and attempt to recreate the table. Using a temporary table for flushing in the o…1 · -
Re: What is difference between sort recipe and prepare recipe sort
the Prepare recipe won't sort the dataset when you run the recipe (ie when you build its output), so there is no gain to expect2 ·