Get Calculated Statistics with Model Evaluation Store API?

Registered Posts: 20 ✭✭✭✭
Im aware that you can get a hold of many metrics in the model evaluation store through the use of the API
mes = dataiku.ModelEvaluationStore("XXX")
mes_info = mes.get_info()
the_MES_list = mes.get_metric_history("XXX")
My question is, how can I extract the calculated valuesin the MES, like those in the univariate data drift section (image)? Id like to be able to alarm on these values..
Operating system used: Ubuntu
Best Answer
You need to through the path of Project > Model Evaluation Store > Model Evaluation and in there call compute_data_drift().
Here is a sample code that does that:
import dataiku from dataiku import pandasutils as pdu import pandas as pd import pprint pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=4) client = dataiku.api_client() proj = client.get_project("DKU_ENERGY_CONSUMPTION_2") mes = proj.get_model_evaluation_store("b0G6ywDN") print("Found MES '{}'".format(mes.mes_id)) me = mes.get_latest_model_evaluation() print("Latest ME is '{}'".format(me.full_id)) metrics = me.get_metrics() #pp.pprint(metrics) print("Latest ME metrics are: ") for metric in metrics['metrics'] : print(" {} = {}".format(metric['meta']['name'],metric['lastValues'][0]['value'])) print("--- Getting last data drift metrics ---") drift = me.compute_data_drift() pp.pprint(drift.get_raw()) univariateDriftResult = drift.get_raw()['univariateDriftResult']['columns'] for feature in univariateDriftResult : feat = univariateDriftResult[feature] pp.pprint(feat) print("Feature '{}' => KS test = {} | Chi-square test = {} | PSI = {}".format( feat['name'], feat['ksTestPvalue'] if 'ksTestPvalue' in feat else "N/A", feat['chiSquareTestPvalue'] if 'chiSquareTestPvalue' in feat else "N/A", feat['populationStabilityIndex'] if 'ksTestPvalue' in feat else "N/A", ))
A+ Thanks!