September Community News

CoreyS Dataiker Alumni, Dataiku DSS Core Designer, Dataiku DSS Core Concepts, Registered Posts: 1,150 ✭✭✭✭✭✭✭✭✭
edited June 27 in What's New

It's back to work, back to school and no matter how that looks for you the Dataiku Community is here! See highlights below, and join one of our online events to connect live.

Survey email banner 2.jpgHighlights from the Community

unnamed.jpgCheers, London User Group

For the first virtual event of the London User Group, Josh Cooper (Data Scientist, Dataiku) will be presenting an image classification project that he built in Dataiku DSS to identify different recyclable materials on the fly through a laptop camera.
Join us online on Thursday, September 17th at 5 PM London, 12 PM New York, or from wherever you might be in the world!

Dataiku DSS 8 Ask Me Anything

Join us from September 7th-11th on the Community to ask about the recent launch of Dataiku DSS 8. Questions about Flow Zones, Dataiku Apps, or Model Document Generation? Ask VP Product Kenji Lefevre!


User Highlight

Meet Ben Powis, Data Science Manager at MandMDirect - known on the Community as @ben_p
. We sat down with Ben and had a chat about his story with Dataiku DSS since his company, an online clothing store based in the UK, became customer earlier this year.

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