how to find the model ID when using "scenario. trainmodel (model_ID)" function

zhlj Registered Posts: 24 ✭✭✭✭

I put in the model name "train_Prediction__XGBOOST_REGRESSION__on_Train_sample_prepared" , looks like the scenario run successfully. But the documentation says it's not equal to model name....

Best Answer

  • Liev
    Liev Dataiker Alumni Posts: 176 ✭✭✭✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    if you open the model from the flow and look at the URL, it will look something like this:


    You can copy the modelID from here.


  • tgb417
    tgb417 Dataiku DSS Core Designer, Dataiku DSS & SQL, Dataiku DSS ML Practitioner, Dataiku DSS Core Concepts, Neuron 2020, Neuron, Registered, Dataiku Frontrunner Awards 2021 Finalist, Neuron 2021, Neuron 2022, Frontrunner 2022 Finalist, Frontrunner 2022 Winner, Dataiku Frontrunner Awards 2021 Participant, Frontrunner 2022 Participant, Neuron 2023 Posts: 1,607 Neuron


    The Name of your model looks very long. I've run into problems were long names have cause problems. I invite you to consider if you can reduce the length of this name, and then try again. I have found that this has fixed problems for me in the past.


  • zhlj
    zhlj Registered Posts: 24 ✭✭✭✭

    Thanks Tom. although my model name is long, it worked. I am just wondering why? it should be model_id instead of model name. Maybe it can accept either?

  • zhlj
    zhlj Registered Posts: 24 ✭✭✭✭

    thanks Liev for the answer.

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