Optional HTTP to HTTPS redirect in dsscli admin Nginx option

Hi there,
Here's an old community member back.
So just a little question/feature request. I sometimes tell students to deploy the Docker DSS image for their work and collaborate on their data course work by using a cloud provider and they're often quite capable of hooking up a TLS certificate either directly with the Dataiku configuration or find a load balancer.
However, my request would be if it could be a config parameter or a dsscli flag to configure the generated nginx.conf with a http to https protocol forward. It now accepts http regardless but, even when using a reverse proxy that allowed port 80 (looking at you GCP), you could just redirect to the https domain name of the load balancer.
But, aside from modifying a generation script, I wasn't able to find a solution to add the 4 or 5 lines for the redirect server line. Is this perhaps possible as a very tiny feature request?
Best Answer
After a discussion with our engineering team, that's not something we consider since it is a system-level configuration (including use of the port 443) and Dataiku DSS runs as non-root.
Ah I just noticed after posting this someone asked something alike yet I am not satisfied with the answer. I am fully aware (and in fact a user of) a reverse loadbalancer/proxy. But it is still a proper feature to have this redirect configurable in the embedded nginx.
Hi Casper,
Welcome on this new community website
Thank you for your feedback. I logged it and we will take it under advisement and consider it for inclusion in a later version of the software.