Multiple SSH keys for GitHub

ChrisGolder Dataiku DSS Core Designer, Registered Posts: 4 ✭✭✭

Can I please get some clarification for how to set up connections to GitHub for multiple users using multiple SSH keys across multiple private repositories under an organization? I can successfully do it for one person across multiple repositories using one key but no other keys are working for other users.

Operating system used: CentOS

Operating system used: CentOS

Best Answer

  • ChrisGolder
    ChrisGolder Dataiku DSS Core Designer, Registered Posts: 4 ✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    I forgot that all actions are made as the dss user when I posted this question. There is essentially no way for individual users within Dataiku to be mapped to user accounts in GitHub.


  • Grixis
    Grixis PartnerApplicant, Dataiku DSS Core Designer, Dataiku DSS ML Practitioner, Dataiku DSS Adv Designer, Registered Posts: 72 ✭✭✭✭✭

    No this is a good question, I'm also interested about the response of Dataiku on this subject.

    And I think it's possible for individual users to be mapped to users accounts in Github. In case of you have activate the user isolation on your instance you are not anymore using the general dssagent but your dssuser.

    Assuming that your github aacount is associated with a user acount that corresponds to dataiku user account ?

    But for now, that implies to create a "dss groupe-user* for each user at dataiku administration git securiy config.

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