FPT Software - Data Science to Help Upskill 30,000 Employees: Providing Personalized Course Recommen

khanhvuongtuan Partner, Dataiku DSS Core Designer, Dataiku DSS ML Practitioner, Dataiku DSS Adv Designer, Registered, Frontrunner 2022 Participant Posts: 5 Partner

Team members:

Vuong Tuan Khanh, AI Engineer, with:

  • Tran Quang Minh
  • Tan Le Nguyen
  • Cao Nguyen
  • Do Van Nhan

Country: Vietnam

Organization: FPT Software

FPT Corporation stands as a distinguished global technology and IT services leader, headquartered in Vietnam, with a remarkable revenue of nearly US$1.3 billion. At the forefront of digital transformation, FPT is renowned for delivering cutting-edge solutions in a wide array of areas, including Smart Factory, Digital platforms, RPA, AI, among others. Having catered to an extensive clientele, FPT has successfully served over 700+ customers worldwide. Their expertise and unwavering commitment to excellence have earned them a prominent position in the market, making them a preferred choice for businesses seeking transformative technology solutions.

Awards Categories:

  • Best Data Democratization Program
  • Best Approach for Building Trust in AI

Business Challenge:

With a staggering workforce of 30,000 employees spanning 26 countries, prioritizing a culture of continuous learning and skill enhancement across our entire organization remains at the forefront of our objectives.

To achieve this, we are driven to establish an exceptional learning ecosystem, empowering every employee with access to personalized and relevant learning resources. At FPT, we recognize that each individual has a unique learning style and trajectory, necessitating a personalized recommendation system tailored not only to the employee but also to the specific project requirements within the company.

However, the sheer magnitude of our globally dispersed personnel, coupled with an extensive repository of learning resources from esteemed partners, poses significant challenges in data processing. For this very purpose, we maintain a vast database of employee information that constantly expands in size, alongside a staggering 200TB of course data encompassing over 50,000 diverse courses, ranging from videos to textbooks, all contributed by our valued partners. These resources are distributed across multiple databases, including S3 Bucket, MongoDB, Neo4J, and more.

The challenge at hand involves extracting employee information from CVs and consolidating it with course details into a unified table. To address these complexities, we sought a comprehensive solution that could seamlessly consolidate all data sources and employ powerful Natural Language Processing (NLP) capabilities for various languages.

This solution demanded real-time insights into our data processing, exceptional speed, able to be scheduled, maintainable, and the ability to scale efficiently. Enter Dataiku — the transformative platform that met all our requirements and exceeded expectations.

Business Solution:

With a lean team of just 8 original members (later reduced to 5 due to rotations to other projects), all dedicated Data Scientists without much expertise in Data Engineering and BI, completing this ambitious project seemed nothing short of a miracle. That miracle came in the form of Dataiku — a transformative tool that filled the void left by the missing positions we required.

As we delved into the project, the concept of Data Fabric emerged as a perfect fit for the diverse range of data types we encountered, from structured to semi-structured and unstructured data, scattered across numerous databases and cloud services. Dataiku proved to be our savior, offering seamless connectivity to all our data sources, whether stored in S3 Bucket, traditional databases like MySQL and MongoDB, or processed through cloud services like Azure Synapse and Blob Storage.

With Dataiku's capabilities, our concerns about Data Engineers dwindled, allowing us to focus solely on the project's core logic. And nearly 200 TB of data are beautifully handled just like that. Being passionate about notebooks and visualization, Data Scientists that we are, Dataiku provided an exceptional experience. From data sampling to visualizing various metrics such as deviation or data gaps, Dataiku's Analyses and built-in SQL and Python Notebooks allowed us to perform tasks on the fly, including easing complex NLP-related challenges through their 'Prepare' tools.

Dataiku's 'Flow' offered an incredibly clean data transformation pipeline experience, significantly reducing debugging and maintenance time, and their scheduling features supported automation, which we truly appreciated. Dataiku further simplified the process of building and comparing baseline models, enabling us to fine-tune multiple models simultaneously, elevating our experience to a world-class level. Automation and simplification allowed us to allocate more time to explore new horizons, particularly focusing on Explainable AI and Responsible AI.

With Dataiku's support, we now possess an array of tools to present outputs in an understandable manner to Business Users, facilitating interactions with stakeholders. Our focus extends to Model Diagnosis, eliminating Data Bias, enhancing Model Fairness, Interpretability, and Explainability—all aligning with our ultimate goal of achieving ""Responsible AI."" Thanks to Dataiku, we have expanded our capabilities and are charting a course towards responsible and impactful AI solutions.

Day-to-day Change:

The inception of this project marked a groundbreaking benefit for FPT, sparking a wave of excitement throughout the organization. The prospect of continuously receiving personalized course recommendations that align perfectly with their individual development paths ignited a profound eagerness for learning among the workforce.

Notably, this tailored approach to learning also greatly impacted job performance, as a staggering 80% of employees surveyed acknowledged that the courses suggested had directly equipped them with the necessary technological knowledge and skills for their respective projects. Such resounding approval from the employees reinforced the project's significance and underscored the undeniable value of fostering a culture of learning and growth.

The initiative took flight in November 2022, and its effects transcended beyond the organization itself, significantly enhancing the satisfaction of FPT's valued customers. By June 2023, a remarkable 83% of the feedback received from customers regarding FPT's human resource quality expressed profound satisfaction and astonishment at the organization's diverse pool of technological knowledge. This impressive upswing represented a substantial 133% growth compared to the previous year.

The correlation between the project's responsible education approach and the evident boost in customer satisfaction validated the strategic importance of investing in employee development and offering access to the most appropriate learning resources. The success of this endeavor further underscored the aptness and efficacy of the Dataiku platform, solidifying its pivotal role in driving the project's accomplishments. Dataiku's contribution was undeniable, bridging the gap between employee aspirations and organizational goals by seamlessly integrating personalized learning pathways.

Dataiku played a vital role in fostering a workforce that consistently delivers exceptional value to customers. The journey from project launch to tangible outcomes was a testament to the foresight and commitment of FPT in cultivating a culture of learning motivation. Embracing Dataiku as a transformative tool not only facilitated the identification and recommendation of suitable courses but also unlocked the potential of responsible education, where learners were empowered to thrive in an ever-evolving technological landscape.

As the project continues to flourish, it stands as a living testament to the profound impact of fostering a learning-centric environment within an organization. The confluence of employee engagement, customer satisfaction, and continuous improvement exemplifies how investing in employee development ultimately yields exceptional dividends for both the organization and its stakeholders.

Through Dataiku's remarkable capabilities, FPT has unlocked a new paradigm of learning empowerment, forever shaping the trajectory of growth and excellence for the company and its employees alike.

Business Area Enhanced: Human Resources

Use Case Stage: In Production

Value Generated:

The impact of this revolutionary solution reverberates across FPT's vast global workforce, comprising more than 30,000 employees hailing from 26 diverse countries. A resounding success, the solution has garnered feedback from over 26,000 individuals who express overwhelming satisfaction with the significant strides they have made in their learning journeys. Witnessing this remarkable progress, employees have wholeheartedly embraced the transformative power of the solution.

But the influence of this groundbreaking solution extends beyond FPT's internal sphere. Recognizing its potential to reshape education, the solution has been deployed to FPT university units, sparking a learning revolution among more than 35,000 students across Vietnam. This paradigm shift in education marks a significant milestone, as it directly impacts and improves the learning experience of numerous individuals, setting a new standard for modern learning methodologies.

Gradually, it has become an indispensable component in the educational pursuits of countless individuals, enriching their learning lives and propelling them toward greater success. A key factor contributing to the solution's success is its ability to ensure optimal accessibility, effectively connecting learners with the most relevant resources.

Impressively, a staggering 92% of FPT's learning resources are precisely delivered to their intended audience, resulting in substantial educational cost savings for not only FPT but also all our esteemed education partners. This enhanced efficiency and resource utilization demonstrate the solution's prowess in streamlining the learning process, ultimately benefiting the entire educational ecosystem. As the solution continues to make a profound impact on learning experiences and outcomes, it underscores FPT's commitment to fostering a culture of continuous development and innovation.

By empowering employees and students alike, this revolutionary solution has cemented its place as an essential and transformative tool in the pursuit of knowledge and personal growth. Its far-reaching influence extends beyond organizational boundaries, touching lives and shaping futures, and solidifying its position as a game-changer in the realm of modern education.

Value Brought by Dataiku:

Dataiku empowers us to achieve remarkable results with minimal resources. With just a team of 5 people, we accomplished an unimaginable project that would have traditionally required at least 20 individuals in various roles. This not only saved us approximately 75% of human costs but also bridged the gap between different positions.

Now, Data Scientists can seamlessly perform Data Engineering or BI tasks, particularly when it comes to presenting and interacting with low-code or no-code stakeholders. Dataiku's emphasis on Responsible AI, with high explainability, is setting a new standard for our organization and the industry as a whole. It ensures that ethical AI practices are firmly established and become the norm at FPT.

From a technical perspective, Dataiku's impact has been immense. Compared to a conventional pipeline setup, Dataiku has reduced our total operating costs by 34% through full automation of operations. We no longer have to incur costs or invest effort in developing APIs for endpoints. Additionally, Dataiku has expertly handled heavy data processing tasks, moving them away from the database and into the platform, thereby saving us substantial expenses on data processing and storage. Every great story begins with a humble beginning, and every miracle emerges from a unique journey of its own.

Today, I stand in awe of the remarkable journey undertaken by our dedicated team of 5 individuals, whose unwavering commitment has been the driving force behind our success. Special recognition goes to Mr. Tan_TQM, whose ingenious determination led to the inception of this project, and Mr. Nhan_DV, whose profound expertise in Machine Learning has been invaluable. Yet, no journey can be truly complete without a solid foundation, and that's where Dataiku comes in.

Dataiku has been the backbone of our achievements, seamlessly holding everything together and enabling us to push the boundaries of what we once thought possible. It has been a true partner in our endeavors, empowering us to overcome challenges and unlock new possibilities. In light of this incredible journey, I extend my heartfelt gratitude to Dataiku. Your unwavering support, innovative platform, and dedication to excellence have been instrumental in our accomplishments. Thank you, Dataiku, for being an indispensable part of our story. Here's to many more great milestones together!

Value Type:

  • Improve customer/employee satisfaction
  • Increase revenue
  • Reduce cost
  • Save time
  • Increase trust

Value Range:

Hundreds of thousands of $

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