Course "Business Analyst Quick start" step "Build Machine Learning models"

Hello everybody,
I am facing a difficulty with the step "Build Machine Learning models" because I do not know how to add a trained model to my flow;
I can see the trained models on the right pane of my flow (under 'LAB' button). I selected the training_data_prepared dataset, but I do not understan what is called a 'Score recipe'. I cannot see this kind of object in the list all recipes, and what kind of objets is related to the icons shown in the video.
Could you please guide me ?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you in advance.
Best regards,
Hi Jean-Luc,
I'd love to help! Could you explain a little more about the issue you are facing when the model is not saved?
If we pinpoint the exact step you are stuck on in the Quick Start, I'll be able to better assist you.
Thank you!
Hello Katherine,
I thank you for your reply.
I think I found what was missing : I forgot to deploy the model. After this, I could see the selected model in the flow as shown in the video. I did not understand that the model deployment was a prerequesite to add it as a component of the flow as described.
I am very new to Dataiku so I have to assimilate all these concepts and to find my way in the interface.
Best regards,
Hi Jean-Luc,
No problem! Nice job figuring out the issue. There is a lot to learn when you start out with Dataiku.
Happy learning!