2023 Dataiku Frontrunner Awards: Introducing Community Choice

Katrina Dataiker, Dataiku DSS Core Designer, Dataiku DSS ML Practitioner, Registered Posts: 43 Dataiker
edited June 27 in What's New

The awards period is in full swing in the Dataiku Community, with two months left to go until submissions close for the 2023 Dataiku Frontrunner Awards. The clock is ticking to enter your own use case or success story, and by participating early, you can improve your chances of winning the Community Choice award.

New to the 2023 edition of the competition, we’re pleased to introduce this special award category to enable our valued community members to determine one of this year’s winners.

Continue reading to learn more about this unique recognition opportunity, and check out some of our most recent submissions to begin casting your votes!

New “Community Choice” Winner Category

Each year, a panel of judges consisting of Dataiku executives and independent industry experts determines the winners and finalists for each category in the Dataiku Frontrunner Awards. In the 2023 edition, we’re happy to announce the “Community Choice” winner category, a special distinction determined not by the panel but by peers from the Dataiku Community.

How it works is simple: the distinction will be awarded to whichever submission receives the most likes or “kudos”.


So if you’re browsing the most recent entries and find a particular submission interesting, insightful, or enjoyable to read, you just need to click the kudos button at the top or bottom of the page to cast your vote.

You’re not limited to a single vote, either — feel free to show your support for all of your favorites to help increase their chances of appearing on the podium when winners are announced this September!

Support Recent Awards Submissions

Submissions for the 2023 edition of the Dataiku Frontrunner Awards are beginning to trickle in, showcasing the diverse ways in which individuals and organizations across industries are paving the way for Everyday AI. Discover a few of our early submissions below, and don’t hesitate to give them a vote via a virtual thumbs up.

Denarius Conseils & Gestion SA - Developing an End-to-end Platform to Scan Multiple Markets and Systematize the Investment Process

With an investment style involving highly active trading across multiple markets, a key challenge for portfolio managers at Denarius Conseils & Gestion SA was to simultaneously analyze all the markets they trade, detecting opportunities, patterns, and trends to generate investment ideas and define their macro view of the markets. Unfortunately, this was limited by manual analysis of each individual security and a lack of a centralized and collaborative environment for R&D.

Leveraging Dataiku, Alessandro Taglietti (@alextag94
) was able to develop a complex end-to-end platform, allowing for a fully automated trend-following strategy that can be integrated into portfolios, a rapid overview of market opportunities, and the possibility to spot trading signals in stocks and sectors that would typically not be considered a core area for investments.

Javier Coronado Blazquez - Leveraging MLOps to Study the Spanish Real Estate Market and Estimate Market Value

tierra-mallorca-rgJ1J8SDEAY-unsplash.jpgIn recent years, housing prices have been on the rise, becoming so significant in big cities like Madrid that it’s been difficult to estimate whether a particular property is under or overpriced. As a personal project, Javier Coronado Blázquez (@jcorblaz
) sought to take an ML-based approach using Dataiku to understand the main characteristics affecting the price, determine whether the listing price is reasonable, and highlight the principal points affecting it for negotiation purposes.

The end result is a proof of concept that any user interested in the Spanish real estate market can leverage to quickly feed the pipeline with a prospective property and obtain a price estimation, allowing them to determine whether the property is fairly priced with respect to the rest of the real estate market.

SDG Group - Leveraging Dataiku to Design a Fully Automatic Marketing Data Engineering Framework

SDG Group was approached by a Dataiku customer to support the redesign of two critical initiatives, with the goal of better leveraging their full data platform and stabilizing operations so that model-ready datasets could be automatically configured and processed.

Taking on the challenge, Matt Giroux (@mgiroux
) and his team set out to design a fully automatic marketing data engineering framework leveraging Dataiku with the existing capabilities of the data platform. The end result: increased performance, faster data flows, and significant ROI for each optimized dollar spent!

Cast Your Votes or Enter Your Submission to the 2023 Dataiku Frontrunner Awards

Explore and vote for your favorite submissions, or enter your own use case or success story to the 2023 Dataiku Frontrunner Awards for the opportunity to receive the “Community Choice” special distinction!



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