Update multiple DSS users to a single group

dhwang11 Registered Posts: 2

Hi all,

Is there way to update multiple users to a group instead of update each users individually?

Operating system used: Windows 10



  • hisyam
    hisyam Dataiku DSS Core Designer, Dataiku DSS ML Practitioner, Dataiku DSS Adv Designer, Registered Posts: 16

    Can you give a bit more context on this? Are you talking about the authorization matrix for users? Or are you talking about the permissions?

    Need to know so that we don't give off wrong information

  • dhwang11
    dhwang11 Registered Posts: 2

    Thanks for your reply. I wanted to add a custom local group which has some specific permissions for new Dataiku users. Currently some of my users belong to this custom group and some are not. So I was trying to find a way to mass update those users to this custom group. Otherwise, I need to update each users individually.

  • hisyam
    hisyam Dataiku DSS Core Designer, Dataiku DSS ML Practitioner, Dataiku DSS Adv Designer, Registered Posts: 16

    You can actually add the users into the group as a mass.

    Select the users you are interested in, and simply click the drop down menu from Actions. The button is just above the list of users.


    There is an option for you to assign them into an available group.

    Hope this helps you!

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