Enter Your Submission to the 2023 Dataiku Frontrunner Awards

Katrina Dataiker, Dataiku DSS Core Designer, Dataiku DSS ML Practitioner, Registered Posts: 43 Dataiker
edited June 27 in What's New

Whether you’re an expert in your domain, a data pioneer, or a leader within your organization — we want to hear how you’re leveraging Dataiku to empower yourself and others to harness the power of data! Enter your submission to the 2023 Dataiku Frontrunner Awards by July 1st to share your work with your fellow users and the wider data science community.

Now in its third year, our annual competition was created to celebrate the achievements of extraordinary users like you. Open to Dataiku customers, partners, nonprofits, academics, and individual users (as well as to each and every one of our valued Dataiku Community members), it collects and shares inspiring use cases and success stories from data practitioners and leaders around the world.

Watch the video below to learn more, and continue reading to discover how you can enter your own submission!


About the 2023 Dataiku Frontrunner Awards

Following the success of the first two editions, we’re pleased to host the Dataiku Frontrunner Awards once again on the Dataiku Community. This wouldn’t have been possible without the support of all of the participants from past years, whose valuable contributions continue to inspire others to push the boundaries with Dataiku!


Tom Brown (@tgb417
), Perry Beaumont (@phb2120
), and Alex Pamatat (@Alex_Pamatat
) were recognized onstage at Everyday AI New York for their contributions to the 2021 Dataiku Frontrunner Awards

Submission Categories

While the format for the competition has largely stayed the same, several categories have been added to better encompass the increasingly diverse applications of Dataiku. In addition to general categories, which are relevant to all industries, there are also now tailored recommendations put in place that specifically apply to different types of organizations.

Tailored Categories

  • Most Impactful Ikig.AI Story - Featuring nonprofit organizations which leverage Dataiku to accelerate their mission and grow their positive social and/or environmental impact.
  • Best Partner Acceleration Use Case - Featuring successful partnerships between Dataiku, partner organizations, and customers to bring a use case to fruition faster, smarter, and/or better.
  • Excellence in Teaching - Recognizing faculty and content creators who are educating the next generation of analytical talent with Dataiku, driving the advancement of collective data intelligence.

General Categories

  • Best AI Acceleration Use Case - Recognizing the quickest development of new AI capabilities, through making each step of the journey more efficient, encouraging reusability, and building on pre-existing resources like Dataiku Industry Solutions.
  • Best Moonshot Use Case - Starring the best use cases which involve leveraging advanced data science techniques in Dataiku — time to show off your skills!
  • Best Positive Impact Use Case - Putting the spotlight on the best use of Dataiku by companies and individuals making a positive impact on the world.
  • Best MLOps Use Case - Recognizing organizations who have streamlined ML Operations with many models into production.
  • Best AI Democratization Program - Showcasing inspiring AI programs that onboard all populations through collaboration and upskilling to expand the use of data and AI with Dataiku.
  • Best Approach for Building Trust in AI - Highlighting industry-leading processes for developing responsible AI and foundational governance.
  • Best ROI Story - Starring the most impressive AI value stories, which showcase the largest ROI created by implementing AI initiatives at scale.

Jury Vote & Introducing “Community Choice”


Like in previous years, following the closure of submissions on July 1st, a panel of judges consisting of Dataiku executives and independent industry experts will determine the winners and finalists.

That said, in the 2023 edition we’ll recognize an additional winner that is selected not by the jury, but by their fellow Dataiku Community members: “Community Choice”. Determined based on which submission receives the most likes (or votes), it will represent which entry most inspired their fellow users.

Why Participate?

Hesitant to enter your submission? There are numerous benefits to participating in the Dataiku Frontrunner Awards. These include:

  • Gaining recognition as a thought leader: Communications and speaking opportunities enable winners and finalists to gain visibility in the industry, while all participants get exposure on Dataiku’s networks.
  • Celebrating your individual and team success: Inspire others by sharing your achievements and the value you have generated, either individually or collectively.
  • Enhancing your employer branding: Showcase your innovation within the data science community and entice the best and brightest talents to join your organization and contribute to your success.
  • Winning special prizes and swag: Winners are offered a unique trophy and special Dataiku swag to thank them for their contribution to knowledge sharing.


Several winners and finalists from the 2022 edition of the awards were recognized onstage at Everyday AI Paris. From left to right: Emiel Veersma (@Emiel_Veersma
), Valerian Guillot (@Valerian
), Yasine Meridja (ENGIE), Stephane Raguideau (@s-raguideau
), Arnaud Canu (@Arnaud
), Brivael Collin (The Ocean Cleanup), Craig Turrell (@CraigTurrell
), Laurent Hamentien (@LaurentH

Get Inspired by Our 2022 Winners and Finalists

The first two editions of the awards collected over 120 detailed use cases and success stories that reflect the increasingly diverse ways in which Dataiku is being used to generate value. Discover a few of the winning entries from last year’s edition below, which explore how your fellow users are leveraging Dataiku to pave the way across industries.

ENGIE Global Energy Management & Sales

While data science is at the core of the activities at ENGIE Global Energy Management & Sales (GEMS), access to the data was limited due to its sheer volume, security considerations, tooling segmentation, and required coding skills. To achieve data democratization within the organization, they provided comprehensive training opportunities with Dataiku to all users — regardless of division or technical background.

“The training path is set to two months, after which users are given autonomy to access the data, manipulate it for their day-to-day needs, and, most importantly, are able to explore new areas to gain more insights from their data, which is a key pillar of data democratization within GEMS,” says Stephane Raguideau, GEM IS Digital & Data Accelerator. “We then empower these users across business teams and monitor both their and our success through two key elements: Community, which includes Yammer and a dedicated Dataiku instance, and Dataiku Watcher, an internal tool that enables Dataiku Instance Monitoring, Adoption Report, and License Management.”

Columbia University

At Columbia University, Perry Beaumont encountered the challenge of sourcing real-world data in combination with enterprise platforms to help students bridge textbook learning with hands-on applications. As a result, he wrote a book presenting case studies in data science, and put together a data science learning module for it using a Google e-commerce dataset and the Dataiku platform.

“The impact from the learning modules extends not only to students' realizations of the ROI for analytics generally and particulars of a successful business challenge, but, additionally, includes success measures related to upskilling and professional opportunities,” says Perry. “There has already been tremendous student feedback with the early drafts of the book who are relating that their experience with the case studies — and the module involving Dataiku in particular — helped them to stand out in a positive way during a job interview, as well as when being asked to participate on various employer teams created to examine analytic challenges.”


In order for FLOA to remain the leading provider for split payment services, the data science team led by Virginie Lange (@FLOA
) required a solution that allowed them to customize their models and industrialize all the necessary adaptations and modifications. It also needed to run their score models according to numerous parameters, and be able to change these parameters in a few clicks with no production delay. In the end, they found a successful mix between FLOA custom software named POM and Dataiku.

“Today, the POM solution provides a generic and simple API used by all scores. It instantaneously selects the appropriate score configuration using simple to complex criteria depending on the product area. This configuration embeds both technical items and business items. The POM solution then checks input quality before mapping, converting, and sending them to the score itself,” explains Virginie.

“The scores consist of API Services. They are entirely designed, validated, deployed and monitored in Dataiku. If the POM solution leans on FLOA IT expertise to develop performant and robust software, scores benefit from Dataiku’s mature backbone during the whole lifecycle. These are designed and validated in a user-friendly environment. They are later deployed and monitored using the best industry MLOps practices.”

Submit your use case or success story with Dataiku to the 2023 Frontrunner Awards. We look forward to celebrating your success!


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