SSL cert installation in GCP

TeaHacker Registered Posts: 5

Greetz all,

New DSS user here. I got DSS working in my GCP, free edition deployed from GCP marketplace. It's currently running on a single VM and I can access the UI via public IP (GCP provided static IP). I've pointed a domain name I had registered to this public IP and if I browse to: DSS shows the login page as expected. What I am trying to get rid of now is the SSL warning I get in Chrome (site not trusted etc). I already bought a full SSL cert and have it downloaded (.key file and .cer file) and even went so far as to put them in my DSS data directory and updated install.ini to reflect the location. I have restarted dss too. Still get the SSL warning (but still can bypass it and login to DSS). Any pointers please?

Operating system used: Linux



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