Run scenario using REST API

Srini_E Registered Posts: 14


I'm trying to run a scenario using rest API, I'm getting an error - "Unknown API key". could anyone please help?

{"errorType":"com.dataiku.dip.exceptions.NotAuthenticatedException","message":"Unknown API Key","detailedMessage":"Unknown API Key","detailedMessageHTML":"\u003cspan\u003e\u003cspan class\u003d\"err-msg\"\u003eUnknown API Key\u003c/span\u003e\u003c/span\u003e","stackTrace":[]}


Best Answer

  • Zach
    Zach Dataiker, Dataiku DSS Core Designer, Dataiku DSS Adv Designer, Registered Posts: 153 Dataiker
    Answer ✓

    Hi @Srini_E

    Please make sure that you're passing the API key as the username. As documented here, the username is the API key secret, and the password should remain blank.

    If this doesn't solve your issue, please show me how you're connecting to the REST API. Don't forget to censor the API key when you post it.

    Additionally, you may want to consider using the Python API instead of using the REST API directly because it's easier to use. See Scenarios for how to run scenarios, and see Python APIs for general information on how to use it.




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