Top Community Contributors - September 2022

CoreyS Dataiker Alumni, Dataiku DSS Core Designer, Dataiku DSS Core Concepts, Registered Posts: 1,150 ✭✭✭✭✭✭✭✭✭
edited June 27 in What's New

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It's back to school time! Let's see which Top Contributors are ready for another fantastic year!

As we saw last month, there is lots of great activity across the community on all sorts of topics. These posters helped keep balance to the force throughout August:

- Already the favorite to be class prez, they are excelling early in the year with 15 topics published, 19 replies authored, 15 kudos given, 3 kudos received 8 solutions accepted, and 1 solution authored

Some of their work includes: Getting the project name of the project that imported a code library, R custom code env cannot install xml2 library, and Change webapp IDE default indent spaces?

- Pushing for honor roll on the first day with 6 topics published, 9 replies authored, 10 kudos given, and 3 kudos received

Some of their work includes: notebook import from git with LDAP credentials, and Execute shell script in a plugin


Starting off the school year right with 3 topics published, 4 replies authored, 3 kudos received and 1 solution accepted

Some of their work includes: Designing for relative time frames, Designing for regular data updates, and Filter not working?

Thank you all for your contributions and conversation. Check out our other Top Contributors of this community. Looking to join these Top Community Contributors? Check out some of our Community Resources and best practices. If you want to be featured, we’re looking for quality contributions including topics starts, replies given, solutions authored and more!

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