Filter not working?

I uploaded a datafile and did a little cleaning. I wanted to verify that certain data were where I expected them to be. So on the "Customer" field, I search for "Apothecaria" and got nothing. But I could scroll and find the records that contained that value in the field. I'm not sure why the field won't filter on the specific customer name when I can clearly see it in the field data.
I've uploaded a screen grab that shows the filter interface with zero hits, and the actual data it should be hitting right below it on the screen.
It's weird. Thoughts?
Operating system used: MacOS Monterey v12.4
Best Answer
Alexandru Dataiker, Dataiku DSS Core Designer, Dataiku DSS ML Practitioner, Dataiku DSS Adv Designer, Registered Posts: 1,250 Dataiker
I see you have multiple filters on multiple columns, which may exclude the matches you are looking for based on the other filter.
Can you try using a single filter or can filtering using the filter in the Sample setting for the same value and see if you still don't get matches?
Thanks for the reply. I deleted all filters, and tried again using the dropdown from the column name. Still got no hits despite seeing on the same screen records with the value I was trying to filter on.
Here's a screen shot of that:
When I applied a filter in the Configure Sample dialog, it DID filter the dataset properly.
I guess that satisfies my desire to verify the presence of certain data, but leaves me confused by the behavior of the filter function from the column header drop down.