The 2022 Dataiku Frontrunner Awards Deadline Has Been Extended!

Katrina Dataiker, Dataiku DSS Core Designer, Dataiku DSS ML Practitioner, Registered Posts: 43 Dataiker
edited June 27 in What's New

We know that summer can be a tricky period to get projects done — we’ve also received our fair share of out-of-office messages these past few weeks — which is why we've decided to extend the deadline of the 2022 Dataiku Frontrunner Awards! You now have until September 15th to submit your innovative use case or inspiring success story with Dataiku.

So if you haven’t gotten your submission in already, there’s no longer any need to rush. You can take your time drafting your entry before hitting submit, and sharing your pioneering achievements with the wider data science community!

Still on the fence? Continue reading to discover the key benefits of participating, and check out some of our latest entries to inspire you to prepare your own.

Benefits of Participating in the Dataiku Frontrunner Awards

There are a number of reasons why data leaders and experts across industries partake in the Dataiku Frontrunner Awards. To name but a few:

Screenshot 2022-07-28 at 14.51.28.pngBuild Thought Leadership: Video features and speaking opportunities enable winners and finalists to gain visibility in the industry, while all participants gain exposure across Dataiku’s networks.

Celebrate Individual and Team Success: Inspire the data science community by sharing your achievements and the value you have generated, individually or collectively.

Enhance Employer Branding: Showcase your innovation with the data science community and entice the brightest talents to join your organization and contribute to your success.

Win Special Prizes and Swag: Winners will be offered a unique trophy and a donation to the charity of their choice, and special Dataiku swag will be sent to all participants to thank them for their contribution to knowledge-sharing!

Need Inspiration? Check Out Some Recent Submissions!

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If you’re unsure where to start with your own submission, get an idea of how others are crafting the story of their success with Dataiku by reading some of our latest entries — which show the great diversity of ways that our amazing user community paves the way for Everyday AI. Afterward, don’t hesitate to show your support for their achievements by giving them a “kudo” and sharing your thoughts in the comments!

Excelion Partners - Building a Free Plugin to Efficiently Catalog and View Data Lineage

At Excelion Partners, Ryan Moore (@rmoore
) and Tony Olson have developed a free Dataiku plugin to efficiently catalog and view data lineage. Called Thread, the tool directly integrates with Dataiku and its datasets, allows for a single location to document data connected to Dataiku, and consumes the catalog’s contents in a manner that’s easy and efficient for business practices.

The value generated by the tool is significant, including improved governance and trust, saved money and labor, and more efficient training and onboarding.

Ranjan Relan - High Traction Online Course on “How to Build Your First Data Pipeline With Dataiku”

AI and Data Strategy Manager @RanjanRelan
knows that the demand for data scientists is high while the number of skilled professionals in the field can be low, which is why he was happy to discover Dataiku, which can be leveraged by both low and no code users. To give back to the community and help enable even more individuals to embrace data science, he created a high-traction course on Coursera.

Already taken by over 2,400 users with a high completion rate and overwhelmingly positive reviews, the course teaches students how to build their first data science pipeline using easy-to-use features in Dataiku!

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Dataiku Flow created as part of the course

bp T&S - Re-Imagining Fundamental Analytics in bp Trading & Shipping

Under its new strategic direction, bp Trading & Shipping had to do a radical rethink of its analytics working practices and organizational design, which included embracing Agile and making Dataiku a cornerstone of its modern strategic analytics tooling. Their entry to the 2022 Dataiku Frontrunner Awards follows their trailblazing analytics transformation.

From eliminating manual processes to increasing automation, to quickly disseminating actionable insights, and more, their inspiring 18-month journey generated significant value and is helping to underpin the future commercial success of bp T&S.

Crowley - Leveraging Analytics & ML to Increase Revenue in Container Shipping

Using Dataiku, Harsh Vora (@harsh9127
) and his team at Crowley are helping a 130-year-old company undergo an inspiring transformation. The provision of a centralized, end-to-end platform for business analysts, data engineers, and data scientists to work together on analytics use cases is one of the cornerstones of their plan to pioneer digital transformation in the supply chain industry.

With a number of solutions already in production or in development, Crowley is expecting an increase in revenue and cost savings, in addition to a slew of other benefits that come with data analytics democratization.

Enter Your Submission to the 2022 Dataiku Frontrunner Awards

From now until September 15th, join us in celebrating your achievements by participating in the 2022 Dataiku Frontrunner Awards!


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