Connect to Data

Hi, I am new to Dataiku. I was going through the Data Engineer Quick Start Tutorial. When I was changing the data set connection to Oracle DB, then clicked on Save. I am getting the below error.
Could you please suggest me how to resolve this error.
Invalid argument
An invalid argument has been encountered : Oracle does not support table names with more than 30 characters : [QS_DATAENG_1_FLIGHT_DATA_PREPA]RED_WITH_PYTHON
Operating system used: Windows
the Oracle database has stringent limits on the length of table and schema names. In DSS when you create SQL datasets they're typically defaulting to ${projectKey}_${datasetName} as name for the table, which easily goes over 30 characters as allowed by Oracle. This gives the error you are witnessing.
The only solution is to go in these datasets' Settings > Connection tab and to change the table name to something shorter than 30 chars.
Thank you for the quick response.
I followed your steps, but I am unable to find the table name in the screen.
I have gone through the other tabs, but there is no table name option. If any other attribute that defines table name, please let me know.
it looks you're moving non-SQL datasets to SQL connections, so what I described won't be possible. In your case there is no other option than re-creating the SQL datasets manually, for example with + New Dataset > Internal > Managed dataset and selecting the Oracle connection in the creation modal, then swapping the datasets in the Input/Output tabs of the recipes.