Mouseover text for column name in dataset explore

I would expect that putting my cursor over a column name in dataset explore would show mouseover text of the column name. It doesn't seem to as of DSS version 9. Almost every other dataset element has mouseover text. This is useful if the column name is longer than the column width in the GUI and the name gets truncated with a "...". Otherwise I have to stretch the column in the GUI which takes a second or two for it to do it, which is annoying if I don't stretch it the right amount and have to do it again.
Hi @alexei-ciobanu ,
Thanks for sharing. What browser are you using? Just tested in google chrome and the tooltip does display on column names for me.
Looks like you are right about it being browser specific. The mouseover text for column names fails to show up on Chrome but does show up on Safari. I've switched to using DSS exclusively on Safari a couple of months ago because of other issues on Chrome and it looks like this was one of them.