SAML SSO keycloak logout causes null pointer exception
I can login properly and even use dataiku with no issue through SSO. But when I logout I receive null pointer exception as a raw json page.
I've attached my logs. In backend.log the java exception is towards the end you can't miss it. I can't seem to find any other indications that might help me resolve this. The raw json exception page I get as a result is also attached (
[Edited by moderator to remove log attachments]
Best Answer
This error indicates that your IDP redirected to a POST on the /dip/api/saml-callback endpoint with no body. In other words, no valid SAML assertion was sent. This is likely a configuration issue on your IDP side.
If further troubleshooting is required, we would recommend that you open a support ticket rather than posting logs publicly. Please see
Thanks, but logs had nothing sensitive as it was a virtual local test environment.