Announcing the Winners of the Dataiku Frontrunner Awards 2021

LisaB Dataiker, Alpha Tester Posts: 208 Dataiker
edited June 27 in What's New

Thank you to all of you who have participated in the first edition of the Dataiku Frontrunner Awards!

We’ve been amazed by the number, quality, and variety of the use cases submitted — 45 to be exact. These are invaluable for fellow users and data practitioners to learn from, and collectively advance the field of data science and AI. So, thank you again!


How Were the Winners Determined?

As you might guess, the jury was equally impressed — and faced the difficult task of distinguishing winners and finalists. Its members included independent industry experts, such as venture capitalists and analysts, and Dataiku stakeholders providing further technical expertise and business acumen:

  • Matt Turck, Partner, Firstmark
  • Evgenia Plotnikova, Partner, Dawn Capital
  • Mike Leone, Senior Analyst, ESG
  • Florian Douetteau, CEO, Dataiku
  • Claire Gubian, Global Head of Business Transformation, Dataiku
  • Clement Stenac, CTO, Dataiku
  • Sophie Dionnet, General Manager, Business Solutions, Dataiku

They carefully reviewed and rated each submission on a scale from 1 to 5, according to four main criteria:

  1. Relevancy in regard to the category entered.
  2. Innovation of the use case, i.e. featuring new/original methods or advanced techniques.
  3. Impact generated for the organization and broader industry.
  4. Value brought by Dataiku, as a product and partner.


Who Are The Winners?

Drumroll please... Discover the 9 winners and 16 finalists who were recognized by jury members
across 8 award categories!

Congratulations to them, and to all participants for powering peer-to-peer learning and more collective success in data science and AI.

Make sure to read all their pioneering use cases and success stories for further inspiration - and stay tuned as we’ll announce the next edition in mid 2022!

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