PostgreSQL connection for Integration With SQL Databases: Password authentication failed
For the course titled 'Integration With SQL Databases' , I am having issues with the hands-on of configuring the connection between DSS and PostgreSQL:
I've set up the dku_tshirt_admin user connection as guided by the course, and used 'Password' as the password for the connection and am facing this error: FATAL: password authentication failed for user "dku_tshirt_admin"
Tried googling, looking at the course materials, entering different upper/lower case computations for the 'Password' specified, to no avail.
Can someone help? Thanks.
Alexandru Dataiker, Dataiku DSS Core Designer, Dataiku DSS ML Practitioner, Dataiku DSS Adv Designer, Registered Posts: 1,237 Dataiker
Can you confirm you have run the steps below to create the database, you will create 2 users matthieu with the password: "Password" and dku_tshirt_admin with the same password. You can verify if this was created correctly by testing from psql command line as well :
PGPASSWORD=Password psql -U matthieu dku
PGPASSWORD=Password psql -U dku_tshirt_admin dku
psql -h localhost CREATE DATABASE dku; \c dku CREATE SCHEMA dku_churn; CREATE USER matthieu WITH PASSWORD 'Password'; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON SCHEMA dku_churn TO matthieu; CREATE SCHEMA dku_tshirt; CREATE USER dku_tshirt_admin WITH PASSWORD 'Password'; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON SCHEMA dku_tshirt TO dku_tshirt_admin; \q