July 2021 Community News

CoreyS Dataiker Alumni, Dataiku DSS Core Designer, Dataiku DSS Core Concepts, Registered Posts: 1,150 ✭✭✭✭✭✭✭✭✭
edited June 27 in What's New


July is hot afternoons and sultry nights and mornings when its joy just to be alive.

This month we’re looking at all the ways our community is driving the conversation globally, seeing their use cases and success stories, and looking back on some excellent content!


Namaste and Saying Hello to the India User Group

We launched the India User Group to connect the growing number of Dataiku users in the country! If you haven’t already, we welcome you to join this new user group and stay in the know about the latest discussions in your local data science and AI community.

The India User Group recently hosted its first virtual event, a panel on Making Inclusive AI Happen. Watch it on-demand!

Don't Miss Your Chance!

The deadline to participate in the Dataiku Frontrunner Awards is this Thursday, July 15th. Don’t miss this opportunity to share your outstanding achievements with the data science community!

Looking for some inspiration? Check out the use cases and success stories which are already in.

ICYMI: Watch On Demand

Highlights from the Community

Community Top Contributors - July 2021

As Summer gears up, at least in the Northern Hemisphere, we take a look at some top contributors who are having fun in the sun!

What’s New in the Dataiku Community?

As some of you might have noticed, we have added Dark Mode to the Community! Find out more in the Full Releases Notes

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