Wanted: Your product ideas and feedback for Dataiku DSS

CoreyS Dataiker Alumni, Dataiku DSS Core Designer, Dataiku DSS Core Concepts, Registered Posts: 1,150 ✭✭✭✭✭✭✭✭✭
edited June 27 in What's New

At Dataiku we strive to democratize data and build an inclusive environment for AI. Part of that is building a space to allow you, the user of Dataiku DSS, to provide your ideas and suggestions to help us achieve this. That is why we are happy to announce the launch of Product Ideas and we formally invite all of you to join in!

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The Product Ideas board is here to let you share and exchange your ideas on how to improve Dataiku DSS. In this interactive space you can post your ideas about how Dataiku DSS can improve, and keep track of our responses to you. Our Product Managers will review your ideas and update you as they move through our review process.


You can also get involved by reviewing others' suggestions and leave your feedback. Either vote for ideas you like or add to them in the comments. Constructive criticism is also helpful - pointing out sharing alternative viewpoints and creating debate or discussion.

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This is your opportunity to make your mark on the future of Dataiku. So what are you waiting for? Suggest an Idea now!


To get started:

  1. Access the Product Ideas board
  2. Explore the space by reviewing current statuses from ‘New’ to ‘Delivered
  3. Review our Idea Submission and Participation Guidelines
  4. Remember, if you have feedback related to improving the Dataiku Community post on our Community Feedback board
  5. If you are ready, suggest an idea or show your support for an existing idea

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