March 2021 Community News

CoreyS Dataiker Alumni, Dataiku DSS Core Designer, Dataiku DSS Core Concepts, Registered Posts: 1,150 ✭✭✭✭✭✭✭✭✭


March has come at last

This month we are seeking your ideas for improving the community with the recent launch of the Community Feedback Board. We’ll also show you the latest Community release, preview a new event to help improve your skills, top contributors, and other highlights!

Wanted: Your Ideas for the Community

We love hearing from users about how we can continuously improve their experience on the Dataiku Community, so we’ve recently launched the Community Feedback board. In this interactive space, you can post your ideas and feature requests, and keep track of our responses to you. We will review all the ideas you post and keep you updated as they move through our review process. Learn how to submit your idea


Save the Date: VSCode in a Dataiku World

On April 7, 2021 at 11:00 AM EDT, @rmoore
, VP of AI Solutions at Excelion Partners, is going to show you how to extend Python development in Dataiku to another powerful development IDE - Visual Studio Code. Utilizing VS Code, you'll be able to debug code from your desktop in ways that aren't easily possible with Jupyter - and still remain connected to the datasets from your Dataiku flow. Register now

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Highlights from the Community

What’s new in the Community?
Welcome to the second community release of 2021! On top of performance improvements, we’ve made solutions easier to access, and increased the visibility of certification badges, among other things. Find out more in the full release notes

Community Top Contributors
Each month we’re providing a quick acknowledgement and thank you for the top contributors to community posts from the prior month. Meet the February Top Contributors

What you may have missed in the Community

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