ML model downloaded in PMML format doesn't work.

Hello dear experts, I downloaded random forest model in PMML format from Dataiku. While trying to make prediction I got
{'prediction': '0', 'proba_0': nan, 'proba_1': nan}
My python script is attached as a screenshot.
While working with other models in PMML format (not from Dataiku) code works well - screenshot is attached. So I can guess that it could be issue with model exported from Dataiku.
Please tell me how to fix it, thank you.
Best Answer
This is most probably a pypmml bug. I can get probas when executing your pmml with jpmml evaluator which is the default scoring engine for PMML files.
Here is the command I use and the outputjava -Dfile.encoding=utf8 -cp /jpmml-evaluator/example-1.4.3.jar org.jpmml.evaluator.EvaluationExample --model /predict-flag.pmml --input /input.csv --output /out.csv --separator ";"
F1;F2;F3;F4;prediction;proba_0;proba_1 5614.1445;6.7;4.5;53.5;0;0.9714285714285714;0.02857142857142857
I would suggest using jpmml evaluator to score PMML models. Here are some steps to get your started on their repo (Example applications)
Arnaud d'Esquerre
Could you share the pmml model exported by Dataiku ?
Arnaud -
Arnauld d'Esquerre,
Thank you. Appreciate it! It works indeed with jpmml evaluator.
To stay in Python environment I used jpmml-evaluator-python library - attached the snapshot of my code.
As far as I noticed:
- Java must be installed on your PC anyway.
- There is a little difference between outputs of model at Dataiku DSS and imported PMML model (I hope it won't be critical at deployment stage).
Best regards,
Rushad Rakhimov