Interactive Charts with Plotly and Iwidgets in Dashboards
Registered Posts: 20 ✭✭✭✭
Hi team,
In a Jupyter notebook I do have interactive charts created from plotly and iwidget. How can I visualise them to a dashboard?
Hi @PapaA
,You can create static insights from your plotly charts. Then you will be able to display them in a dashboard. To do so, you can check the documentation on this topic.
For your iwidget charts - I presume you mean ipywidgets? -, it will not be possible to do the same because ipywidgets are rendered browser side, it is never known on the Python side. You should do a webapp for these charts instead and then publish your webapp on the dashboard.
Fortunately, dash webapps are on their way in Dataiku DSS.
Hope it helps,