A Look Back at 2020

KerriW Dataiker Alumni Posts: 51 ✭✭✭✭✭✭
edited June 27 in What's New

As 2020 finally comes to a close, it seems only fitting to take one last look back at the year that was, and turn to a new page. So much changed for the world at large, with so many lives impacted in so many different ways. As many organizations shifted to a fully-virtual world, the need for a strong Dataiku user ecosystem was even more important than before, so we spent much of the year building out the foundation of what we hope will serve you, our users, for many years to come.

We started in January with the soft launch of our new, fully-featured Dataiku Community and migrated our previous Q&A forum to a new platform and haven’t stopped evolving since.

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Over the course of the year, we launched a variety of
Programs including: Community Conundrums, local User Groups, pivoted to an Online Event format, and kicked off our inaugural year for the Dataiku Neurons Program. In less than a year, we’ve seen over 150,000 unique visitors and more than 130,000 views of solutions provided to your questions, serving our vibrant global Community. And we look forward to providing even more engaging content, discussion opportunities and programs for users next year.

Also a huge step for us here, was the phenomenal launch of our Dataiku Academy in May, with the Core Designer Certification, then followed by ML Practitioner and most recently Advanced Designer certifications. Thousands of courses have been completed and we can’t wait to unveil what 2021 will bring, with more learning opportunities on the way for you.

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In early December, we updated our
shared navigation experience across our platforms to bring you a consolidated view of all the resources and properties available to help you use DSS as efficiently and effectively as possible for your needs. The upper menu now includes links to our Reference Documentation, Knowledge Base, Academy, Community Programs and of course, our What’s New blog.

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While it was a challenging year for everyone both personally and professionally as we all adjusted to a virtual world, worked hard to stay safe and healthy but still tried to accomplish the goals we set for ourselves, we hope you take a moment to look back and reflect before jumping into 2021. We all accomplished a great thing just getting here and we wish you all the best in the year to come!

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