Api query sample error

RSalerno Partner, Registered Posts: 4 Partner

Hi everyone,

i create an api model via the api designer and in the new version, when running the query I encountered the following error:

'Failed to get result from kernel, caused by: IOException: Failed to retrieve expected kernel exception, caused by: EOFException: null'

in older versions, with the same code, this does not happen.

Could someone help me, please?



  • adamnieto
    adamnieto Neuron 2020, Neuron, Registered, Neuron 2021, Neuron 2022, Neuron 2023 Posts: 87 Neuron

    Hi @RSalerno

    It might be hard to troubleshoot this without seeing what you are seeing, but maybe this might help resolve some issues or point you in the right direction.

    In the settings tab for the API Designer's endpoint there is a code environment section. Perhaps you can adjust and play around with this setting to get it to work properly. Here is a picture of what it looks like in DSS.


    From the looks of the error message, it seems like there is some sort of a kernel error or exception that is happening when you try to run your query to test out your endpoint. If you happen to be using a code environment you defined for your endpoint is it possible there may be something wrong with the requirements?

    An EOFException is usually thrown when Java (Dataiku's backend) is reading a file/stream (which I believe in your case is the code environment requirements) and something unexpectedly causes the stream to end. https://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/api/java/io/EOFException.html

    Hope this helps, let me know if you are able to resolve or if I can be of any more assistance!


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