How to add a months to given date
Hi Team. Is there a dataprocessor or function to add months to a given date. Something like for ex : dateadd function in SQL. ex 1: for todays date(24-Aug-2020), i would like to add 4 months then it would be 24-Dec-2020 ex2: for todays date(24-Aug-2020), i would like to add - 4 months then it would be 24-Apr-2020. I know a…
Reading Dataset in a Python Recipe without declaring as inputs
I need to combine data from severa datasets (from different workflows) in a Python Recipe WF1.mydata_1 WF2.mydata_2 and so on, ( new WF will appear ) I don't how the number of WF, I cannot add each of them in the Input/Output menu. I need a python code that will manage to import the datasets no matter how many they are
[Beginner] How to visually deal with a lot of datasets ?
Hello there, I'm a beginner in using Dataiku (container version with Docker) so sorry if I didn't find the answer that could already be in documentation despite having searched already. I'm doing basic data analysis and prediction AI stuff based on the topic of political elections thanks to my government's public data.…
managed folder with multiple dataframes
hello i have a python recipe with multiple data frames as output i would like to know how to put all these output into one managed folder. regards.
python recipe output to a dataset
hello i have a list containing items as data frame type i want to make an output to this output as text file or json file if any one can help me please
Trigger a flow when variables are set
I'm still quite new to Dataiku. I have a project where I want the flow to run when two conditions are met. The flow should run when the underlying data warehouse (which is refreshed nightly) has been refreshed (There is a table that reports the time when the refresh is complete) AND when one of the tables in the data…
Forcing dtype with get_dataframe
Hello everyone, I am encoutering a problem with the get_dataframe() method when using a python recipe. Using : ValueError: Integer column has NA values in column Works as intended and as infer_with_pandas is True by default : the engine use the types detected by pandas rather than the dataset schema as detected in DSS…
how do i change numerical variable into categorical variable in data preparation
desperate for help
Build all flow in scenarios
Hi, I imported a dataset from a SharePoint. I have not added any cleaning recipe yet. I added an export recipe to spit out the data to Tableau server. Everything works when I run / build the entire flow manually. I am trying to add a Time-based scenario with a build trigger to check if there are any changes in the Share…
What if parmenter range
What are the criteria for what if parameter range? Are these standards such as average, maximum, and minimum?