How to fix the XGBoost Library error in the OS environment ?
Hi, when I wanted to train my model for K-Means, I've received the error below. It menions that OpenMP run time is not installed (libomp.dylib for Mac OSX). I am a beginner here so would appreciate some guidance. Muriel Failed to train : <class 'xgboost.core.XGBoostError'> : XGBoost Library (libxgboost.dylib) could not be…
Hello, how can I remove a blank caracter from a string. Thanks
Resolving XGBoost Error on M3 Macs using Rosetta Translation (Homebrew , Conda , or Direct )
Please help I am at my wits end tried multiple strategies through terminal. Installed XGBoost, Homebrew and Conda libraries. Updated Java. The AutoMl training cannot compile output for Random Forest and XGBoost Algo's. Error documented below. M3 Max Macbook Pro zsh : parse error near - In terminal when doing checks Error…
Possibility of metadata comparison
Hi, is it possible to do a metadata comparison? What I mean by that is the following: I want to compare newly imported data with the most recently imported data and find out where there have been changes. Then display this and accept or reject it. Thank you.
Removing Multiple Spaces from Data in all columns
One of the great features of DSS is that you can trim the leading and trailing spaces from all of the data in all of your columns with one visual recipe Step. Very Cool. I was then trying to figure out how to clean up all the white space. Any ideas? Operating system used: Ubuntu 18.04 - WSL2 - Windows 11
Python Lanaguage Server not working in Code Studio
We recently start to integrate Code Studio into our dataiku instance, and we realize that the Code Studio seem not to enable language server for python code and color the code and raise warning for bug. Jump to definition is still working even though the code is not colored. Is there any specific setup we need to have so…
Change statistical metric for Drift calculation in Standalone Evaluate recipe
In Dataiku Standalone Evaluate recipe, while calculating data drift it chooses default statistical metrics for numerical and categorical columns KS test, Chi-squared test etc.). How to change the statistical metrics if I want?
Alert/Notification for Job failure
Hello, I want to send an alert/notification on failure of job in Dataiku. How can I implement it ? Thanks
Object not serializable error on an if then else statement run on spark engine
I get the following error when I run an if then else error on spark. This runs fine on the local engine. I have if then else statements that run just fine in other sections of my workflow in the DSS. How should I interpret this and how do I debug? Job failed: Task not serializable, caused by:…
How to reuse a group of blocks with different inputs
I have a complex process, involving several visual recipes and Python code blocks that I'd like to apply to several different datasets. I'd like to be able to apply this complex process to these different datasets obtaining several output datasets. "Convert into an application-as-recipe" seems the perfect solution but I…