org.hibernate.HibernateException: More than one row with the given identifier was found
After trying creating EC2 instances on Fleet Manager, the almost all Fleet Manager menu (Instances-All, Instance templates, virtual networks, License management, etc) shows an error below. I guess the Instance Ids from AWS EC2 servers were duplicated and it causes the error. However, I can't find any database for Fleet…
How do you connect Dataiku to your data currently?
Hi Community! I'm Emilie from the Dataiku Product team. I'd like to invite you to participate in a survey about how you connect to your data in Dataiku. The questions are about connectors between Dataiku and other tools you may use in your daily work. You'll have the opportunity to tell us what connectors or plugins you…
Set user profile dynamically from SSO
Hi Team, I am currently exploring SSO operations in Dataiku v8.0.1. Could you please tell me if it is possible to set the user profile from Keycloak using user attribute system or something like that ? I know that I need to create a DSS user with a profile but I would like to override it using Keycloak. Thanks, Hugues
About changing the execution disk
I am using the free version of Windows-Dataiku. I am still a beginner so I am running the academy tutorial. The web address is http://localhost:11200/projects/ It is. I would like to create various samples, but I don't have enough space on my HDD. Is it possible to change the drive location of the execution? If possible, a…
Connection to Dremio Database
Hi, I am trying to connect to a Dremio database in Dataiku Enterprise Edition. I have downloaded the driver, but I am using the web-based version. Where (which path to the driver jars directory) do I need to put the JDBC driver? Operating system used: Windows
No Logging "DEBUG INFO Message " in the log file at project
hello. I would like to inquire about log settings. “Jobs” and “Scenarios” are being performed every minute in my dataiku project. I am keeping one week's worth of logs, but there is "[02:09:41] [INFO] [dku.utils] - [2023-11-20 02:09:40,211] [73/MainThread] [DEBUG] " in the log Because there are a lot of debug INFO logs, 3M…
kubectl failed with code=1 out= err=The connection to the server localhost:8080 was refused - did yo
kubectl failed with code=1 errThe connection to the server localhost:8080 was refused - did you specify the right host or port? while trying to execute a ppython recipe on an eks cluster that has beem already set up.
Spark configurations per user group
Hi, we need to assign a Spark property for each user group, specifically the Yarn queue (spark.yarn.queue). In the Spark section of the Dataiku configuration, we can create multiple Runtime Configurations, but we can't set permissions so that each user group has access only to the allowed ones. 1. Is it possible to use…
Best Practices for Updating Python
So as background, I'm not really a Linux server administrator, and our Linux administrators aren't really dataiku administrators (also, they're not really python people per-se). We have an on-prem install. With that background, we've got python 3.6 and 3.7 on our instances, and we'd like to add each major point version up…
Scenario - Run daily and send report every 2 weeks
I have a project's current scenario as daily refresh of data and sending to Tableau server based on SQL query change trigger. I have a SQL that is checking the system load date. If system load date = today's date then the trigger will start. My question is how do I keep the current scenario and send dataset via email every…