Plugins & Extending Dataiku
Troubleshooting Installing 🍺 Homebrew in a Code Studio Image
Hi Community, I was working to create a custom code studio that leverages Homebrew to enable experimentation for web app development and allow the end user of the code studio to install OS level packages in the container. Warning: Since this would veer off from the OS packages on the DSS server end users should not…
"request.exceptions.SSLError" Tableau Server Export
Hello! While trying to export a file to Tableau Server using the Tableau Hyper Export Extension, the error "request.exceptions.SSLError" is appearing. However, I have selected "ignore SSL". When someone else tries to export to the same Server and folder, they are successful. How can I resolve this error when I am already…
Hi I have made a connection to S3 and I have a folder now in Dataiku to which it is connected. This bucket in S3 contains images that I need in order to train my model but when I try to access them I get this error: 2 root error(s) found. [16:13:43] [INFO] [dku.utils] - (0) NOT_FOUND:…
Restrict folder access using OneDrive Plugin
Hi, everyone I achieved to connect Dataiku with my OneDrive throught the plugin. However, I don't want that Dataiku users can access to all my folders. I want to make specific folders accessible, for example, two called input_folder and output_folder. Is it possible? Thank you for your attention. Operating system used:…
Join Receipe take so much time to be executed
[14:24:10] [WARN] [dku.queries.executionplan] - Computing execution plan inside a transaction
How to reduce the time it takes to upload to TableauServer
I uploaded data to TableauServer and it took about 8 hours. (This is about 200 million rows and 40 columns of data) I ran it using the TableauHyperFormat plugin (, and the logs show that I read 5000 rows into DF each, and 2000 rows each The logs appear to be…
API to create a directory under a managed folder not local
Hi again, I've a managed folder under HDFS and want to create a subfolder under it but cannot find under the API documentation the method or the function to do it. How can this be done ? It should be possible because from the UI that is possible... Thanks. Regards. Giuseppe
Integrated with HPE Ezmeral
I am using HPE Ezmeral software. I want to integate with Dataiku. I want to increase productivity for both of Ezmeral and Dataiku. What should I do?
dataiku plugin development
Problem statement : In dataiku Plugin , If I click add button it gives input field (parquet file details - source link, column names..) this will trigger automatically modify recipe.json & run Simply - add details in UI form and details be permanent until modified. That should make change in recipe.json . Right…
No download for new OpenAI GPT Text Completion plugin
Hey there, I can't find a download zip version of the new OpenAI GPT Text Completion plugin anywhere. The plugin documentation link in the plugin card just redirects to a knowledge base article and not the usual plugin webpage where there are links to zip downloads and GitHub. I normally need to do some custom…