Data Quality Audit and QAQC
I am new to dataiku and would like to setup a project to QAQC my company database. These are the project requirements: There will be hundred of validation rules (using the validation types: Data Type Check, Code Check, Range Check, Format Check, Consistency Check, Uniqueness Check) for different column, I would like to…
I can't use Dataiku Community from iPhone Safari or Chrome
If I'm not logged in and visit https://community.dataiku.com/t5/General-Discussion/Smoothing-in-charts-useless/m-p/37057#M2613 it will load the page ok But if I log in to community.dataiku.com using (sign in with google) , when if I visit that same post I will be shown the following error An Unexpected Error has occurred…
Manual Mappings on Multi-class classification
I'm looking for some help/advice on how to use the manual mappings on the multi-class classifier. Here's the setup: I have a dataset where the target variable is given in percentages... so immediately you would guess this is a regression problem. However, the actual values are decimated in increments of 10%... so if I use…
Run Macro xlsm file on Dataset
I have dataset in my project called abc_stacked, I have Macro file called xyz.xlsm which has Macro enabled, please let me know how to run macro on dataset in project?
SQL help case statement
Greetings all, Obviously there is a syntax error, is there some one who can correct? I am expecting a result set with columns acct, name, country, splind1, splindnot1, splind_all. Much appreciated! SELECT `acct`, `name`,`country`, case when `splind = '1' then sum((`transactions`)/`MV`)*100 as "splind1" when `splind` != '1'…
Parallel Processing Multiple Run in Single Code recipe
Hi Everyone, Is it possible in dataiku dss to run same code multiple time in parallel with same datasets in inputs and outputs? I am trying to execute single DSS Code Recipe(Python and SQL) multiple times in in parallel to perform on the 100 crores of data for 7 time duration with 200 number of brands with 500 columns. So…
Smoothing in charts, useless?
The Line > Smoothing option gives some weird artifacts with loops and multiple values of Y for a single value of X, which I found hilarious : The same line chart without smoothing. I'm guessing it's some kind of bezier curve but doing something with the control points that I don't understand. Does anybody know for sure…
The forum software is missing the Dataiku Version 12
The new post form has Dataiku Version 11-5, version 12 is not there,
Efficient Data Cleaning Techniques in Dataiku?
Hi all, How do you handle missing values and outliers in Dataiku? Any plugins or workflows you'd recommend for efficient data cleaning? Thanks for your tips!
Reverse Geocoding plugin installation
Hi community, I'm trying to install the Reverse Geocoding plugin but it takes forever. Is it very long to install or am I having a problem ? Thank you for your help ! Operating system used: Mac