Enable only certain features for MES drift model and drift metrics

cmjurs Registered Posts: 20 ✭✭✭✭

Using an evaluate recipe, I'd like to be able to turn off certain features during the calculation of the drift model and the univariate drift metrics. Im seeing a section in "advanced" which allows for some custom variables. Maybe there is a setting for this were I can apply a list of enabled features??

2023-10-02 14_43_09-(9) mes feature tweak _ Jupyter notebook _ Dataiku — Mozilla Firefox.png

Operating system used: Ubuntu

Operating system used: Ubuntu



  • fsergot
    fsergot Dataiker, Registered, Product Ideas Manager Posts: 117 Dataiker

    Hello @cmjurs

    You can indeed exclude a feature from the data drift computation in the Evaluate recipe: in the advanced section, you need to check the "Feature handling" box and you can then see all the evaluation dataset columns.

    For each, you have the choice of:

    • Chec/Uncheck => Inlcude or Exclude the column from being considered in datadrift
    • When checked, you can choose the behaviour:
      • Auto => let Dataiku decides if the feature is to be taken into account and as which data type (default). Basically, DSS will consider all the model features (and ignore columns that are not model features)
      • Numerical => Force consider the feature as a numerical
      • Categorical => Force consider the feature as a numerical

    2023-10-03 09_09_24-(1) evaluate_on_pokemon_for_scoring_scored - Recipe _ Dataiku.png

  • cmjurs
    cmjurs Registered Posts: 20 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi @fsergot

    Thanks so much for your answer. I'm glad to see that there is something in the UI to handle these situations. Unfortunately in my advanced options, those check boxes are not there...?


    Im on version 11.4.4.

  • fsergot
    fsergot Dataiker, Registered, Product Ideas Manager Posts: 117 Dataiker

    You pointed the right issue: the capability to customize the feature handling and selection was added in 12.0.

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