Encrypted Excel files
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Does anyone has the experience to load an excrypted Excel file?
Turribeach Dataiku DSS Core Designer, Neuron, Dataiku DSS Adv Designer, Registered, Neuron 2023 Posts: 2,206 Neuron
The msoffcrypto-tool Python package may be one approach but it doesn't support the latest Excel formats. What format is your Excel file on?
Could you provide python code to
1. read from non-local source folders of excel files
2. test if they are password protected.
3. if yes, perform password decrypt using msoffcrypto-tool
4. save password unprotected excel back to source folder
I tried the below. however, the output excel file could not be read by the Create Dataset , error message
- Used /NEW_SPREADSHEET.xlsx (244.18 KB) to parse data
- Failed to detect file format. Please manually fix
Even if i manually selected excel as format, it still cannot load it into Preview.
import io import shutil import dataiku import msoffcrypto, openpyxl # Read recipe inputs source = dataiku.Folder("input") source_info = source.get_info() paths = source.list_paths_in_partition() # Write recipe outputs target = dataiku.Folder("output") target_info = target.get_info() for path in paths: decrypted = io.BytesIO() with source.get_download_stream(path) as input_file: with io.BytesIO() as seekable: shutil.copyfileobj(input_file, seekable) file = msoffcrypto.OfficeFile(seekable) file.load_key(password="xxxxx") # Use password file.decrypt(decrypted) xlfile = openpyxl.load_workbook(decrypted) xlfile.save(decrypted) decrypted.seek(0) target.upload_stream("NEW_SPREADSHEET.xlsx", decrypted)